Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Sunday, June 18, 2023

BINGO! I Got Hit With "Alt-Right"!

Dear Readers and Haters,

"Well it's Alt-Right now, they said I'm Alt-Right now, it's Alt-Right, baby it's Alt-Right now!".

You do know the alternative to right is left, right?

Also I don't vomit, I BARF! Like the Mog. Half-human, half capitalist-dog!

See, this isn't hurting my feelings. Every comment they make is showing the truth about how toxic the community's gotten with all this junk that's not transgender but claims to be.

They're now accusing me of not knowing any real transgender people. They're trying to diminish my own experiences. See their tactics. See how they spread hate not love. 

This post had technical difficulties but thankfully this much was saved. I think this was it. Oh, yeah the more they comment the more they expose themselves.




  1. *Says a lot of bigoted shit about how fucking terrible and deranged non binary people are*

    *Gets on a moral high horse and starts talking about spreading love vs hate when people are mean to him*

    You say you're not alt right, but that kind of bait and switch clutching of pearls is straight out of their playbook my guy

  2. Gensabi, thank you for all you have given to us over the years. I just want to take this time to thank you and wish you all the best. and please try to remember that there are far more people out there that love your work and respect it for what it is .."Art" then there are people that hate it . Please try to remember all of us that love your art please take care of your self and be happy

    1. I agree with Cal ignore them if you want to continue writing caps then do so. You don't need permission from anyone if you love doing these caps then do so. You are entitled to breaks if you so wish. Just be happy gensabi

  3. Are you planing on posting again? I mean just ignore them and let them be unhappy. I personally enjoy your posts and i think many others agree with me

  4. Just stop. I might have bought your initial complaint about the comment about AI until I actualy read it and saw it for what it was: you can't come up with anything new and were looking for an excuse to go silent for a while. That led you to put out a complaining post that you knew would get a reaction. Then you complained about the complaints and continue to do so. You're going out of your way to troll. It's clear that it was never about your complaints and all about YOU.

    You are intentionally trying to provoke people by saying crap that you know pisses off a lot of TG people. You aren't holding any position that isn't controversial: you're just being a jerk and using the responses to fuel your muse since you can't get it fueled any other way- as has been clear for the past three years. You're a reactionary captioner and need someone to give you fuel instead of going out to find it on your own.

    Just stop. You're only tarnishing yourself. You are just making it clear that you are the real issue.

    And I know already that a few will defend you and go after me, I don't give fuck: this string of whining is exactly what is being done by multiple people across the captioning and TG fiction world and is ruining it for everyone else. It's not about your muse, it's always about YOU.

    1. This. Just all of this.

    2. Lmao this is so accurate it hurts

    3. I wonder who deleted what that was a reply to.

  5. Hey gensabi. You seem a bit confused so I'd like to offer a good faith counter argument. I totally understand how the concept of say nonbinery people can be confusing on first glance. But if you think about it for a bit, I do think it makes a lot of sense. Consider that labeling yourself "male" or "female" comes with a lot of expectations and baggage. People will have expectations from how you should dress to how you should behave. Don't you think it might make sense that some people might not want to have to fit in a box like that? And even if you disagree with this perspective I fail to see how people labeling themselves as they wish is of any harm. I also am confused as to why you keep bringing up the trans shooter. Obviously that person is reprehensible but they do not represent the trans community. In fact I would argue that there is an extreme rarity of such instances by the trans community as opposed to say men who as a demographic are far more likely to commit acts of terrorism. Additionally you keep referring to "the science" but most scientific institutions affirm the validity of non-binary people. Again I'm not here to dogpile you or label you a bigot I think you've just fallen for some of the rhetoric bigots have been pushing lately. I hope you will at least consider an alternative perspective on this issue. Wishing you well. -Robstark

  6. Lmao did u delete my comment? Bruh, I was being super nice. Maybe deciding to retire is the right choice. Super weird that this issue triggers u so much.

  7. A lot of unforced errors here. I saw the alt-right comment and I don't think it was meant as an insult but as a description of what your meltdown looks like, riffing off of xeno pronouns. Most of the "hate not love" is people saying how hirt they are and you're doubling down.

    You want to disappear over a comment? Go. You spam the same near copy paste captions about how "I'm the mom now and dad is looking hot." It's low effort and if you go, we all have 10 other tabs of people not melting down into rants that hurt their demographics.

    Or you can be an adult and admit a mistake, learn about the community you hurt, and move on. Stop scoring goals on yourself and acting like the commentary is out to get you. If you're not adult enough to take responsibility. You're not adult enough to make erotica.
