Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Proven Point

 Dear Readers,

Apparently after 23 years of making free TG fiction I have been deemed "transphobic". 

Irony lives!

I made one last 4 parter. It's been called "cringe". Mostly a negative reaction. Do they not understand humor? Satire? Hell, I was making fun of myself for being so old and outdated I obviously must look like the Crypt Keeper!

See, I just kept chugging along, making capped pics, as the world changed and the community changed around me. The community I entered into in the late 1990s and early 2000s was much different than this. It was supportive. It was all about gender roles, binary genders, etc. We had our issues, the online content purges, when sites would lose web hosting. 

I kept saying I'm a dinosaur. They prefer I go extinct. 

"Let the door hit you on the way out". 

How quickly you can be discarded for not towing their ideological line. 

When you make yourself publicly known you become a target of those that are against you. Used to be the anonymity kept me safe from bigoted normies. Now? It's not them trying to attack me. Eat their own Indeed.

There's no coming back this time. Even if I did this was the sinking torpedo. 

Now you all know if you're old school Transgender you're only tolerated as long as the new infiltrators find you useful. 

If you fell in love with femininity because you preferred those gender roles over that of being male you're no longer accepted.

Read the comments on the last few posts. See for yourself. 

When even I'm considered to be know something isn't right.




  1. Yeah, I've pretty much burnt it all down, haven't I?

    I'll admit that I may have come back after the A.I. thing cycled out of my system. I even admitted that had me butt hurt. I get that I have character flaws. I am not perfect, and I was fully up front about that.

    All those past times I tried to retire I meant to stop. Even if I still made the occasional new capped pic doesn't mean I'd have to post it. I actually did that for a few weeks last time.

    I don't have any made up right now. Nothing left over.

    This changed during the discourse. It turned into something else. It went somewhere that there's no going back from.

    I know nobody believes that I'm done. I am though.

    You think this is all just whining, oh woe is me stuff, but it's more than that.

    I've wanted to retire since the Yahoo days. Before this blog was even a thing. I kept going in part for the art, and in part for the fans. I really wanted it to end at 20 years. There were times I was legit afraid what happens if I die and the blog is just left hanging. Hell, back in the Yahoo days I even tried looking for a successor!

    I wasn't saying boo hoo the world changed around was a warning. The community isn't what it used to be. Not in a good way either.

    I know some cappers that started when I did have already long dropped out due to changes that happened over the past decade. I just kept chugging along because ignorance is bliss.

    I'm not coming back. If standing up for traditional TG is what gets me excommunicated then so be it.

    1. I know what you mean. The online community has become so full of vitriol, hate, bullying and putting others in the trans community down for holding even a slightly different view. It’s like they forgot that the point was to let people find their own identity and express themselves in a way that makes them happy, whether that be as a man or a woman, or in my personal opinion, something in between. I don’t know if everyone’s personal opinions will ever match, but that’s ok. You’ve been supporting in your own way, and your take is just as valid as anyone else’s. I’ll be sorry to see you go and your captions have been a major bright spot, especially when I first found them and was confused about who I was. I hope that you can find happiness in retirement and I’ve seen you flirting with the idea often in past posts. Don’t feel obligated to any of your readers and do what you need to for your own sanity and mental health.

  2. I'm the one who told you all that. Once again, I'm pushing 40. I was here for the 90s and the early 00s., yahoo groups Donnies TG page. To steal a quote, 'do not cite the old magic to me, I was there when it was written.'

    You seem to conflate the entire movement with the extremists. I'm in the community, I have actively been medically transitioning for years. And I have never met a real life person with neo pronouns. You're throwing up straw men left and right to hate on us, presumably because we have done the things you chose not to do. Honestly, the vibe you're putting out is of a sad, lonely, bitter human being desperately in need of attention, and I'm sorry that is where you have found yourself. You sound more bigoted and bitter than my Trump supporting conspiracy theory living in-laws, who continued to dead name me for a year after I started. Is that really, truly hope you want to be seen?

    1. You call someone worse than trump supporting bigots because their life experiences and views on the trans movement differ from yours? The gall. Gensabi is clearly dealing with a lot based on all the comments and previous updates and the only thing you can do is get on your moral high horse and attack them. How about showing some actual empathy for someone? “To hate on us, presumably because we have done the things you chose not to” is one of the most tone deaf comments there is and completely ignoring their points. I’ve seen what a large part of the trans community online has become and it’s not pretty. Bullying, insular, the “if you’re not exactly in agreement with us your against us mentality,” trying to get people to transition if they themselves aren’t sure they’re onboard with it or comfortable. Offline I know many wonderful people and they’re way more accepting and considerate, online is a shot in the dark what type of group you’ll encounter. Even worse, the toxic ones will seek you out to hate on you. The trans community is under attack enough from the outside, we don’t need to attack our own for being slightly different to us.

    2. Yes, let me just agree to disagree with the person saying my literal existence is a stain upon the community they only tangentially belong to.

      I think neo pronouns are stupid, and I've yet to meet anyone who uses them. The fact Gen continues to throw them around to demonize all nb people and indicate there is an absolutely strict binary that must be adhered to no matter what when they chose to continue life as a cis male is plenty reason enough to challenge him on his thought processes.

      I do empathize with him. If anything, I pity him because these are the words of a very traumatized and wounded individual. And if this were the first bit of drama maybe the words would be nicer. But this sort of 'I rage quit!' thing happens at least twice a year for attention, and they always come back. It's cringe af, but it's also a repeated cry for help that has turned into a crying wolf situation.

  3. Yo gensabi, I agree with a lot of what you said. I find it best to just try and write the material “you” like and enjoy rather than focusing on the greater Tg writing movement as a whole. You have been here for since the beginning right? That means you exist in your own category. Just write for yourself, okay? I will always read a good mom swap by you and enjoy it :)

  4. Please do not listen to all the hate. they are in the minority ... even if they are the loudest. As I have said many times. I have been and will always be a fan of your work. I know that those of us that love your work will miss you. We also want nothing but the best for you and your health. ( both mental and physical ). please look after your self and know that you will be missed and if you ever do decide to return I for wone will welcom you back with arms open.

  5. I just liked your caps since 98 I didn't care about the world saying this or that I just liked your caps

    1. Thanks. The file copies I have say 2001 in their data. I thought I started out on Tamara Lynn's Tawdry Teasers earlier.
