Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Hiatus Update

 Dear Readers,

So, right now I think I'm done. Things have changed so much I don't think a return is coming.

It might be anhedonia or it might not. I really don't have much interest in women at all now. Being one, being with one, it's just not there now. No interest at all. 

Maybe it's because I've seen too many anti-maskers that are physically beautiful women. Maybe it's because I'm no longer even wanting human companionship myself. 

I don't know. I'm not even interested in pic hunting. Nothing has really come to mind to cap. Maybe this is temporary. Maybe it's just having moved further down the path on the walk of life. Woo hoo. Maybe it's just these Dire Straits?

I don't know. Right now it feels like I'm done. Maybe I won't feel that way in a week or a month. We'll see.



Wednesday, February 3, 2021


 Dear Readers,

I'm going back on hiatus status. Was thinking done for good, but I'm going to give it this month off then go from there.

My health is a bit funky. Life has been busy. I think I'm experiencing depression symptoms again. My days and nights are outta whack. They think it might be sleep apnea but I won't know until March or April. 

Anhedonia might be acting up. No desire to cap right now. Haven't been doing much reading or TV watching either. So instead of jumping straight into retirement talk I'm going to give it this month. See what happens.

