Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Saturday, June 17, 2023

What Will I Be Called Next?

Dear Readers And Haters,

So it's escalated from transphobic to bigot! Do I read a "Hitler" or "Nazi" yet? Oh, they did hit "Worse than a Trumper"!

My modern insult bingo card is almost full! 

They did hit me with I'm no longer a progressive or as liberal as I once was. Funny, I didn't change! I still believe in good ol' American freedom, liberty, and equality for all of humanity!

Guess that's not good enough, eh?

This is fun. Please keep arguing how the person that's made TG capped pics for over 20 years is "transphobic". If only I could harness the power of irony the world energy crisis would be solved! Let the hate flow through you! 

Quite frankly, the Transgender community got infiltrated by people that want to use it for their own purposes. Real transgender people are incredibly binary. Part of the appeal was always assuming the gender roles of the opposite sex. 

Without those things, without gender roles or biology mattering, then what's the point? Anybody can claim to be any new pronoun with no attributes defining what that pronoun is.

Does a Zir have male parts or female parts? What gender is attracted to a Zir? What gender does a Zir prefer? 

It's made up bullshit with no basis in science. 

Why would anybody want to swap bodies with a Zir? What surgeries make you into a Zir? 

Is it just blue or purple hair dye?

I cannot find a photo example of what a Zir looks like. I tried. All I find are pronoun charts. 


"Just leave those old captions on the shelf, I'll sit and read them by myself, today's new pronouns ain't got the same soul, I prefer those old time gender roles! Call me transphobic, call me a bigot or what you will, I am old fashioned and over the hill, today's pronouns don't make any sense, give me those old time gender roles! Don't need a broken glass ceiling just turn me into a blonde, cause being a bimbo is always fun! No need to be Ritzy just a bit ditzy with big ol' breasts to be hotter than the rest! Make me a MILF that's hot to trot, before I get so old I turn into rot! I hope this offends you haters, later gators!"



P.S. - "I'm just a sweet Transvestite from Trans-sexual Transylvania". Y'all need to do the Time Warp again!


  1. Boy, you are really drilled on to those neo pronouns huh. It's almost like you've never heard of 'they' before... Or have even met a single person like the ones you're straw manning.

    I've been on HRT for years. I pass. People call me a she/her, and that's my preferred pronouns. I present feminine, albeit pretty heavily tomboy. And I identify as non-binary. Maybe it's time to admit you haven't actually met any of us, and are just vomiting alt right talking points?

    P.s. Bob Seger did it better.

  2. Gensabi, do not listen to the hate. All they want is the create more hate. that is how they service. Its their primary source of food. To para phrase a a quote that I like to live by. " the only way to truly destroy ones foe is to befriend them".

    I my self do not have a preferred pronoun. and yes that does drive a small group of people on both sides crazy. and if I honest I find it rather fun to watch to people with opposites options try to tell me why " I am wrong" while they both say the same thing in the same way. only for me to point out to them after some time that they are actuality on the same side and should be friends if they want to defeat me. but that is just me. I thrive on the moments when people find common ground on which to build their understanding.

    any way that is a rather long way to say just be you and do what makes you happy as long as you are not breaking any laws
    long time fan

  3. you're run into mega bullies. relax in certainly theres nothing you can do to satisfy them. Just keep on doing that you do best - tell TG stories - especially body swaps.

    1. You and Gile have been around since the beginning. I'm not trying to satisfy them. I'm exposing them. Back in the day the community was loving, accepting, understanding even if you weren't able to get a sex change. It was understood that was a huge life changing step to take and wasn't for everyone.

      I'm actually enjoying this. Irony makes me laugh. Think about it. They're attacking me as being transphobic? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

      Call Monty Python! Mel Brooks! But seriously folks, they're serious and I shall call them Shirley!

    2. Of course you're enjoying it lol. This is just the latest retirement plea for attention and drama. If you didn't enjoy it, you wouldn't keep pulling your best impression of Brett Favre every few months.

      In fact, the one time you don't get someone calling you a drama queen is probably going to be the time you actually follow through and retire.
