Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Opportunity Caps!

Dear Readers,

"The MILF Zone" was post # 1700! I've done way more caps than that and one day I may get all the old ones up. Right now I've been focusing on the new!

Now, many of you noticed it was an open ended series. I did that on purpose so that you as the reader can be the character of the story! Seriously, you're being granted access to the MILF Zone here!

Noah Bodie knew what was up because I used to do this frequently on my old Yahoo Group. The lady in the picture offers her body, and if you comment a reply to her you get capped as her.

It's an "Opportunity Cap".

To cap you I need a first name, screen name, code name, but something that you'd like to signify you. So if you're Prince and you change your name to a symbol, if it's not on the keyboard I'll do my best. "Anonymous" doesn't work when you get multiples, unless we go "Anonymous 1", then "Anonymous 2", "Anonymous 3", ha, ha, ha.

Also, just because one person gets her first doesn't mean it's over. I just capped Bodie but I can do this for more readers too. We'll get variants going, different pics for each person.

I have a couple others done too. I'm holding off on uploading them right now because I need to organize my recently found pics and cap some more.

After tonight though there may not be more new ones until the weekend.


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