Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Yes...I Am Old

 Dear Readers, Haters, Etc,

I am old. This is true. I started making TG capped pics about 23 years ago. I started out as a contributor to a website called "Tamara Lynn's Tawdry Teasers". Then there were Lycos Groups. Then Yahoo Groups. Then here.

Back then there were TG purges. Websites forced down. Web groups closing. Anonymity kept people from reprisals in real life. People couldn't afford to transition because it wasn't covered by insurance. It was all cosmetic surgery. The community understood that. People's rights to privacy were respected. Families didn't know. It wasn't safe to be public. It still isn't. Am I paranoid? Yes. I also told a few people over the years and it never ended well.

The COGIATI test was the standard in trying to help people figure out where they stood. It helped many decide to transition, start taking hormones, etc as adults. It was understood how big, permanent, and how major that decision is. Nobody was ever faulted for not going that far. The community was supportive either way.

Being Transgender was all about embracing the gender roles of the opposite sex. It is the most binary thing on Earth. Going from male to female or female to male. If you're non-binary then you are not Transgender. I don't know what you think you are but it's definitely not Transgender. Gender is not a social construct. It's biology. Through hormones and surgeries you can switch from one gender to the other, but that's it.

Making up new genders, new pronouns, it's make believe bullshit. So is TG fiction, but I know and admit it's fiction. Even science fiction still needs the science. 

I have not been "corrupted by alt-right influences". I just remained consistent. I've been around a long time. I was a part of this community before it was cool or trendy or being invaded by college educated idiots trying to tell me I'm the transphobic bigot and how tools my generation used to help us are wrong. 

Because you want to invalidate my experiences. To invalidate history, science, and change definitions to suit your own purposes. 

The words we used, were proud of, are now problematic like transvestite. 

Yes I'm old. I even made fun of that fact by using the Crypt Keeper to represent myself. Back in the day most assumed I wanted to be a busty Asian woman. 

The entire point of being Transgender was the belief that you were born into the wrong body. About embracing the gender norms of the opposite gender.

This non-binary stuff? It defeats the purpose of Transgenderism completely.

Several years ago I began to notice changes in even the TG fiction writing community to try and censor content due to political correctness. No more Madame Olga, no perceived stereotypes if doing racial swaps, etc. That was bullshit just like forcing readers to participate for access to capped pics is bullshit.

I am not woke. I am liberal but today a liberal from 2010 is considered an alt-right fascist monster. 

I don't care if someone claims to be non-binary but if you're non-binary then you are not Transgender.

I don't know what you are because you made it up yourself, but you aren't Transgender.




  1. I've been reading these posts for the past few months. I do understand your frustrations with the modern day social sphere, but a lot of your words are things many people have heard their parents say while kicking them out of their homes. Society changes. And if your beliefs don't change too, you're definitionally a conservative. Which isn't necessarily problematic. But when you deny peoples experiences and identities based on your experiences, you perpetuate the hate that has brought the LGBTQ community down in previous generations. I love your work and hate to see you go like this, but I've been a fan for years and I will always have your caps saved. I hope one day you return, but I won't hold my breath.

  2. Psst. A lot of people, including your own generation, will tell you that choosing not to transition makes you not transgender.

    Considering you're in a position to be seen as just a cis male for your decisions, maybe consider the appropriateness of throwing stones from inside your glass house.

    I am someone who goes by she/her, follows the social rules for women, has taken years of HRT, done voice training, and presents as a woman full time. The only male things in my wardrobe are oversized night t shirts and pajama pants, and I wear makeup without fail if I'm leaving the house.

    I feel like it's some real patriarchal male bullshit that you think your definition of transgender supercedes mine, when by your own definition I am walking the walk and you... aren't. My own internal identification shouldn't matter to you, yet it seems to matter more than the fact that I actually followed through and have lived the life experiences you're losing your shit over.

    For someone who insists on the strict social rules for each gender, you sure do behave like every other misogynistic cis man I've had to deal with. By all means, feel free to continue to mansplain the transgender experience and what it's supposed to be.

    1. I'm happy for you transitioning, but back in the day it was understood that wasn't the route for everyone. Guess you don't consider drag queens, transvestites, etc to be transgender? They're physically still male but embrace female gender norms.

      Obviously you embraced femininity. You're embracing the gender roles of being female. So you're point is it's OK for you but anybody else is a mysogynist?

      You aren't non-binary. You transitioned. You present as a woman. You use female pronouns. You embrace femininity. You're not making up some new pronoun that isn't defined or can't even be explained. What constitutes the properties of a Zir physically, socially, etc? How does one become a Zir? What surgeries or hormones? What does a Zir wear? Why would anybody want to be a Zir?

      You didn't feel like a male. I hope you found happiness by becoming a woman. Why didn't you become a Zir instead? What happens when you start getting attacked for acting binary? You went through with it. You're a woman now and that's not whatever a Zir or whatever imaginary pronouns come up next. Oh, you dress as a woman? How conservative of you by limiting yourself to that one gender role.

      So right now you're exclusionary to anybody that doesn't transition, feeling smug you fit the original meaning of being transgender, but don't understand that as this keeps changing you'll be seen as a fossil too, as problematic for embracing gender norms in a genderless society.

      Patriarchal male bullshit? Gays prefer Men. Lesbians prefer women. Being transgender is going from one gender to the other. That's not rocket science.

      Not everyone that's transgender has to transition. Does Ru Paul have to get surgeries or hormones to qualify?

      The community used to be more open and understanding that one size doesn't fit all.

      This new stuff? They want to destroy the concept of gender. No male, no female, no need to change anything because it no longer matters at all.

      Think about it.

    2. Missing the point a wee bit again I see.

      For starters no, transvestites are not transgender. They explicitly choose to wear the clothing of the opposite gender. Meaning they do not identify with that gender. Similarly, drag queens can be of any gender. It's anyone who portrays an exaggerated caricature of the feminine role in a performance. The fact you consider those under the umbrella of trans is kinda telling.

      Have you ever even met a non-binary person? Because your straw man version takes some of the most vile conservative stereotypes and just runs with them.

      You don't get to decide what I identify as. I present as a woman for a number of reasons. My interests and likes tend to overlap much better, as I am a more feminine person, and at this point it's easier to pass as a woman than it is a man. It's *safer* to pass as a woman than to try and pass as a man. But how people perceive me is my social presentation, it is not my own internal identification.

      And you know what? Yes, I am being exclusionary to you for not transitioning. Because you are citing your age, which was ostensibly lived presenting was a cisgender man, to exclude young people. You may have been in trans circles the entire time, but do you have the experience of being trans? The harassment, the stares, the cognitive dissonance from other people? The discomfort when you do start to pass of being cornered, or even touched, by a man that won't take no as an answer to his flirtation? The stares and the hard sirs when you slip up and let your voice drop?

      It's absolutely fucking insane to me that you cite groups that are predominantly cis men who are being excluded from trans spaces while actively trying to do the same thing to a large part of the group.

      So I'm sinking to your level. You are so desperate to exclude others while getting extremely butt hurt when the same tactic is turned on you. You act like a cis man, you show a complete lack of any sort of empathic thought processes, like a cis man, and unironically cry about your exclusion while excluding others. Like a cis man. If it walks, swims, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

  3. a very nice explanation. I've been around long enough to remember all the groups you mentioned and agree wholeheartedly

  4. You know it's probably good that you've retired because you've completely lost the plot. Sex is real gender is not. Gender is the roles and expectations put on people. There's nothing 'biological' about girls being expected to like pink or play with dolls for example. It's all arbitrary social standards. I don't even think you realize how biased and unhinged you come across getting upset over this stuff. I don't know why this is such a hang up for you whether it's insecurity or latent bigotry. But the idea that young people feeling greater freedom in expressing their gender identity is somehow some sort of problem is delusional. I legit don't think you are capable of discussing this topic in a rational way and that says more about you than anyone else. I was legit trying to reach you earlier but its pretty clear you dont want to be reasonable about this. I hope u get over whatever brainworms are causing this irrational anger and confusion. But you probably won't. It's legit mental illness to get this upset over people having more freedom and comfort in expressing themselves. Just retire dude. I cant believe a tg writer wouldnt see how challenging gender norms is a good thing and that young people are making a better and brighter world for all of us. It's a real shame you can't accept that.

  5. Anyways thats all I have to say as well. Goodbye gensabi.

  6. Jesus Christ, it's sad watching what you've become. I was originally sad you were leaving but it's looking like you're doing the community a favor by going away.

    Also, it's not "retiring" if you come back every few weeks to post a whiny rant about how unfair it is that you get called out on your bullshit and how you're a "REAL" transgender and how dare society move on in directions you don't understand.
