Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Friday, April 10, 2020

Keep Guessing & Updates!

Dear Readers,

Keep on guessing which one out of the 13 done in March actually used to really be a man! So far only one caption has been eliminated and that was "Dump To Hump"!

So, I got physically better and now I'm sick again. Blowing gunk outta my nose when I woke up today.

I might make more capped pics soon. Only got about half of my hunted pics onto my tablet. I need to charge up the tablet before trying to transfer the other half.

I hope you're all doing alright out there. Stay safe, stay home, wash your hands, and don't eat up all your supplies too fast!

Good luck out there.



  1. Karma approves? Seems a little Manish.

    Anyways glad your safe, sorry your sick again. Hopefully you can keep your health up with the state of the world right now. Thanks for the update

    1. Nope. Two down and 11 to go! It's hard. I mean you really can't tell. Thanks. So far it was just sneezing out gunk. Hopefully just a cold.

    2. Also, "Karma Approves" was my on purpose turtleneck decoy! I figured some might assume an Adam's Apple was hiding there. Except it's not. Funny, both your guesses were natural born women yet the one born a man is passing by easily!

    3. I went round and round between karma and curious curio of mystery. I guess my "glasses" have a prescription error with its accuracy rate.

      Hopefully it is just a cold or seasonal allergy, mine have been bad this year. (Thats fun explaining in a pandemic)

  2. Glad you're back. Hope you feel better soon.
    My guess is The Old Uniform. The hands and feet seem mannish, the shoulders too wide and muscled. Could simply be an athletic and attractive natural born woman.

  3. Replies
    1. Incorrect! 4 of 13 down! Hard, ain't it? I couldn't even tell until I read into posts and saw comparison photos. My hopes is that when someone does guess correctly that people can realize you can look like a sexy woman with today's technology and methods if that's the route you decide to go.

    2. Either phone tag or easy learning final guess

    3. It's neither! 6 of 13 are eliminated! Seriously, it's hard. Imagine how much harder it'd be if I did the full 20! About half have been named and it's still not guessed! I wonder if it's going to be the last one left!

  4. Linked In To Get Out! The beautiful Kayla Ward.

    1. Dangnabbit! You even know the model! I'm not sure but that might be cheating! Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.

  5. Sorry. Big fan of hers. Keep up the great work!!

    1. Thanks. It's ok. I just didn't think anyone would know of the model. Most ask me who the models are.
