Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Updates & Blogger Decision

Dear Readers,

Well, I just read about the Blogger decision Google made, and honestly I was unaware of it until I read a comment on here mentioning it!

I have two new ones done, and will be uploading them. I may do more tonight, but it may be heavy on a couple models.

I'm sick yet again, and have rested most of today. Need to be able to work on Monday, but I could barely talk this morning.

Also, pic hunting has been going slower but last night I hit the jackpot!



  1. I'm sick as well Gensabi, got partial hearing loss. I've also stopped making captions myself. Thanks for your new ones.

  2. I have a picture I think you might be able to do something with. I think it meets all the requirements for your pics, although it's a little lower quality than than your usual. Do you take requests/is there a simple way for me to send you the pic?
