Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Sunday, January 1, 2023

The Details

Dear Readers,

Since the last post was a bit abrupt, here's some more details because the comments brought up good questions.

First off I am done making new capped pics. I have space issues & way too many uncapped pics & it's an endless cycle of more, more, more.

Secondly, the ideas aren't as flowing as they once were. Some things make me feel funky now. It affects how I see things in real life.

Third, I have been busy. Most of my time has been helping others with stressful things and I barely have time to relax at all. 

Fourth, the blog is staying up. It's not being deleted. 

Fifth, there may still be new posts as I get back into doing the archives. That fell by the wayside but in time maybe it'll get done. I don't even remember where I left off. 

There's just not going to be any new capped pics for 2023. 

I need to work on my health. I've been helping people the past 6 months and right now it's getting more intense. I barely got to rest today uninterrupted. 

In a week or maybe a month I'll try to sort out where I left off with the older ones.

I'll still be around to check out comments.

Hopefully this clarifies things. This is a good time for a clean break from capping for awhile. Will I be back?  Who knows. Maybe in 2024. 



  1. Thank you. This does help. I'm glad it will still be up. I hope you feel better.

  2. As much as we love your caps, your health is more important. Do what you see is best, which what you said sounds good.

    1. Today was mostly recovery from blood work. 3 vials does a doozy on me. Thanks.

  3. You need to take care of yourself. Thank you for leaving the site up, and I hope you get the rest you need.

  4. Thanks for being transparent with us. Its great to hear you're taking space for yourself! Please take as much time as you need, even if it means this is the end of your caption content! And thank you for the great content you gave us :)

  5. Ohh man I'll miss this so much you one of the few that counts

    1. Thanks. Counts? One, ah ah ah! Two, ah ah ah!
