Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Friday, February 17, 2023

The End Again (Not My Choice)

Dear Readers,

I know. You're all expecting more of the last series. I took a few days. Gathered more new pics. I just got those new pics onto my tablet to caption. Then I tried getting on here from the Windows tablet. "Blogger does not support your current browser please update".

I can't update it. That's using Edge as the browser. This was a cheap Windows tablet with only 30 GB space. I don't have enough free space to do the updates. Like I only have 3 GB or less free space on it. I pretty much only use it for capping. I'm using my Kindle Fire to make this post right now. Which is tricky because they no longer really allow Silk either but I have a work around. Sometimes it doesn't work though so it's iffy. Like I can't even view stuff on Deviant Art anymore on my Kindle Fire but this is where my password was saved plus my links to where I frequented.

I can try again on the tablet but I did try a few times. I was having trouble with Gmail too. Maybe after a restart that won't happen? I don't know.

If I can't access Blogger from my tablet then I can't upload anything. New ones, old ones, etc. Text updates I can do from my Kindle Fire but even this thing is low on space. 

Until the technical difficulties are resolved this is the end...again. 




  1. Thank you for the up date. I hope all else is doing well in your life. you will be missed by all of us .

    1. I'm on the tablet now. So I can access my blog but going to blogger it comes up "browser not supported". I'm gonna try a few things. See if this can be troubleshoot.
