Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Taking Care Of Myself

Dear Readers,

I was back in the hospital today. I don't think it's even been two weeks since I was out of it yet.

More physical health issues. It's got me on the most intensive antibiotics I've ever been on in my life!

So, I have no clue if or when anything new will be done. Honestly, it's been so hot out lately that it's probably better to stay inside and caption.

Alas, my focus for the next several days is taking meds. And using hot compresses. And it's not exactly how I planned spending the next week. 



  1. Get well. Speedy recovery.

    1. Thanks. I felt well enough to make one new one today. I think the antibiotics are working.

  2. Get well soon! Too bad the Medallion of Zulo or a MAU aren't real they would fix you right up!

    1. Even if they were real I wouldn't use them. The medallion requires clothes of whom you want to become. The MAU is alien tech. It's not FDA approved. Are you sure aliens know how to genetically sequence our species? That thing could cause cancer!
