Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Importance Of Comments

Dear Bloggers,

Tonight I'd like to enlighten you as to why it's important to leave comments on my "posts".

The main reason?

Because you can tell me what you want more of, what you like, and what you want if I haven't done it...or posted when I did it...yet. You see, on my Yahoo Groups I actually listened to my group members. Sure, sometimes they'd have to remind me about stuff, and with time sometimes I forget again...but with constant communication you can keep reminding me things like "Hey! Finish this series!" or "Where's that sequel?" or "More white to black lady swaps please!" or "Who framed Roger Rabbit and swapped with Jessica Rabbit?".

Also, it helps to know there are people out there who like reading this stuff, or else why should I keep doing it?

Sure, I could just go by the view counter and say "Hmmm...this got 35 views and this got none...hmm...I wonder...".

So, since I did upload a bunch recently I'm giving updates a week hiatus for people to catch up. Why? Because I think I've overwhelmed the blog enough this week.

Plus it'll give me time to make more new ones too.



  1. I know personally, I love a good son to mother transformation with a mind change to make the boy believe he's always been his own mother. Although doing it by bodyswap I never enjoyed.

  2. Thanks for the feedback! That's a tricky one. I think I've done those before. Honestly, I don't think I've uploaded many family oriented ones as "Classics" yet.

  3. 2 series I love to see finished are FEAR - what a great mysterious sgtoryh where a boy is litterly driven out of his own body into a friend of his momn & she leaves with the mom in his body leaving him behind in her house. They adleddgedlhy did it because he was afriad of girls.
    another is your classic. WEIRD SCIENCE storhy, you'v4emade at least 2 attempts to add to it, but - ah well,
    @of your classics you might want to conmsider reposting for those who havn't seen them - are 'UNEASY CHOICE using a pic of a young Teri Hatcher thinking keep his siste rin law'sbody or swap back, & the o ne where a show "ENTERTAINMENT REALITY IS UNREAL " where a son tricks pwople into turning his poor mom 'Back' into him & syeals her 7 marries the producter. I sure hopw eventually the new 'SON' is cured & reaeased from the mental home where's HE's been complaing HE is his mom. ROFLOL> what a great use ofpic 7 story that was!

  4. Thanks Eric! Just saw this comment today. Just figured out how to see comments without searching back through every post! Yeah, eventually I want everything up.
