Dear Bloggers,
You've probably noticed I've been doing huge updates of my older material. My goal is to get all my older stuff on here. That's a LOT of capped pics.
A funny thing happened last night toiling through my selections from 2013. And I don't mean the couple times I forgot to add the title of the capped pics to the posts!
Google thought I was a robot!
I was uploading and posting too much at once.
They made me do screen captchas. I hate screen captchas. A distorted "r" can look like an "n" and "i" looks like "l" and it's all funky evilness designed to make you annoyingly irritated and angry. I think it's a cause of stress and increased heart attacks.
So, smaller updates in the future. I hope all are enjoying my works, I kinda have no clue without comments.
I've also figured out that the most recent top capped pics get the most views, then there's a trickle down effect.
If you're here for one, I'd suggest going through the rest if you have time. I try to have a little something for everybody. Seriously, take a look at the labels!
I'd also like to note that Secretary swaps are under "Co-Worker". See, that category encompasses bosses, secretaries, and just plain everyday co-workers!
Also, you can look up family swaps under "Family" if you want them all, or you can go directly to Aunts, Daughters, Mothers, and I don't think I have any Sisters up yet...though I might be wrong.
Oh, and Cryptozoological is stuff like bigfoot or unknown animal species. Just realized I should include fairies there. I'll update labels accordingly!
Oh, and if you have a suggestion that something should go under another label, please comment on it! Why? Because I'm doing most of these updates really late at night and I skim read them to sorta figure out basic labels.
Yes, I do not remember every capped pic I write. The ones I do remember I have hard times finding. Probably because I haven't been re-organizing since 2009.
So I have 5 years of capped pics not categorized by type and year, and that sucks because that shows how lazy I am at organizing.
I'm thinking of adding year labels too. That way you can also search capped pics by year I made them. It'd be noice so you can witness my evolution and devolution as a writer. Sometimes I have good years and bad years.
Also, it's still doing the stupid captchas on me, so I may not make another post until tomorrow. Might make some new capped pics, not sure. I'm adding year labels right now. Also, if you want me to track other things by labels please comment and let me know. I mean, right now I think I'm lumping body wash into potions, gypsy curses into magic, and so on.