Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Saturday, April 26, 2014

2013 Revisited: Great Buy


  1. OhmyGod, Babe-Sabi! This tale is also ironically poetic!

    I can SO imagine the new 'Ben' stroking her new meat to the pics & vids of his former flesh getting guys & girls off as the former Ben finds her way to fame & fortune in the adult entertainment industry! Although, I doubt the former 'Ben' feels like it's work so much a getting paid for what she loves doing most... In a body she's always craved doing it with!


    1. I'm glad you liked it! You might not have gone that far back through my posts to have seen it if I hadn't made it a featured post! Literally it had under 20 views before I did this and now it's at 210 views! Not a bad jump considering!

    2. Right-on! Gotta love those little gadgets!

      And, you're right, hon; I has been a long time since I clicked very far back through anyone's archive,. But, those "Random Post" gadgets can sure keep me busy for a long time. Need to find it and put it on my blog, too.


    3. Oh, the Featured Post is not random at all. I have to manually change it every month. I went through my labels and identified the lowest viewed posts and I have them wrote down in a notebook to refer to and boost their views by setting them up as the featured post!
