Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Not Coming Back
Dear Readers,
I'm definitely not coming back this time.
This morning I was confronted privately. After pouring out my heart and soul to explain my experiences I was told it's all just fetish, not real Transgender experience, that everything I described was fetish and that transgender is more than about "wearing pink pumps". Apparently their teenage years experiences are valid but mine were not. Mine were just "fetishism". That being part of the online TG community wasn't real. Again the COGIATI test was attacked. When I started out that was the recommended go to. Now? It's laughed at, dismissed as being a tool for figuring out whether or not to transition.
So I'm not coming back. If all this was just fetishism there's no point. If my experiences aren't valid, if what I went through isn't legitimate, then why even bother?
I'm done. I can't come back. It used to be so welcoming. People understood that each person takes a different journey. How can you demand that your experiences be respected then totally negate someone else's? That's not right.
I did have more new ones made. I just wasn't going to post them and I never will now. I'm apparently not qualified to be a participant in anything TG at all. So I won't be.
My feelings don't matter. My experiences are illegitimate. My opinions hold no weight.
It doesn't matter if I was scared of being caught wearing my mom's clothes. It doesn't matter how abusive my father was towards women. It doesn't matter how I felt even before having a computer or finding the community online. It was all just fetishism apparently.
I know many didn't like my ego. The retirement attempts in the past always failed due to that ego. There were times being Gensabi was therapeutic. I really tried to keep going for the fans. Some people even said it helped on their TG journey. I don't know anymore.
I think this is my last post. I'm honestly thinking about deleting the blog. What's the point in keeping it up other than my ego?
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
3 Months Still Retired!
Dear Readers,
Still think I'm coming back? I'm not. I have read the recent comments and am just gonna let them Duke it out themselves.
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Comments, ETC
Dear Readers, Haters, Etc,
First off I retired from making new capped pics, but the blog is staying up.
Secondly, for the commenter that posted a "War And Peace" level thread I'm still trying to read all of it. Like I get bits read then my brain needs to focus elsewhere.
I was going to explain the personal costs being Gensabi had. It's actually why I'm not married or have kids. Because telling the one I loved, was engaged to, helped end that last decade. So yes, I'm still paranoid, yes I'm not open, because I understand that doing so is folly. People might feign understanding or acceptance, but they don't actually do either. Please keep telling me how I've sacrificed nothing at all though. Or belittling what I went through.
I can see the forest for the trees. I know a huge backlash is coming. Worse than the purges on the web during the '00s. Only adults should be able to transition. Hormone blockers are bad. Kids need to go through puberty to figure out what they are. Making up or forcing others to use made up undefinable pronouns? That's not Transgender, but labeling it as such means that's the community that's going to get the brunt of the backlash. Real Transgender rights are taking a backseat to this nonsense! Gay marriage was a huge win, but Congress hasn't made it a law yet have they? Just like they never codified Roe V. Wade either. Shit will hit the fan.
People were OK with adults transitioning, getting sex changes, marrying was a huge hurdle as laws didn't recognize same sex partners and some states used genetic definitions of sex no matter what surgeries you had...that problem is moot thanks to gay marriage. People could understand going from male to female or vice versa. It was easy, simple, just use the pronouns of which gender you became.
Now? All these abstract genders, people can even identify as cameras now per a video I saw...where they were told to stop filming in that area until the person said they identified as a camera! It's absurd. Ridiculous. The non-binary are going to cause a backlash against all Transgender people because they invaded the Transgender space to take it over.
Separately? Most people didn't give a crap about adult people having sex changes and living their lives normally. Some got funky over bathrooms. That's been resolved mostly now that places have gender neutral ones. You get a Zir that demands you use their made up words they can't even tell you what it means, or what constitutes being one, then people smell the bullshit. You can believe being born into the wrong body, but what kinda body is a Zir supposed to have?
I'm tired. That was a rant.
Monday, July 17, 2023
Dear Readers, Haters, Etc,
So, on the last post I began replying to one commenter. She responded back, but I think it's easier to respond again as a post.
Apparently I have never been a "real Transgender" person. How I felt inside was never the point, or that I used to wear women's clothes, or thought I should've been a woman, because now you're only Transgender if you transition.
It doesn't matter that I was poor and couldn't afford it. It doesn't matter that I struggled with it for years, and that I kept taking the COGIATI test every so often as the community used to advise to do to see where you stood before making the huge life altering decision to transition.
Yes, back in the day the online Transgender community included transvestites, cross dressers, whatever you wanted to call those that either couldn't afford to transition but still embraced femininity despite being male. I remember the sites selling breast forms, browsing Frederick's Of Hollywood, or having my female virtual model on a clothing website I could dress up and screenshot.
Even writing fiction about becoming a woman for 23 years doesn't qualify me either.
Because finding body positivity makes me a "comfortable in skin" male. Because wanting to have biological kids meant not transitioning. Because being fearful of being public makes me a coward.
Oh, and a mysogynist. Or whatever else they want to call me.
So I don't even get to identify as Transgender yet they argue anybody can identify as whatever they want even if it doesn't exist!
I tried to make the point that eventually the youngsters trying to destroy gender in society will come for her too. Because she's embracing female gender norms, the very thing they want to destroy.
The purpose of creating so many fake genders and pronouns is to destroy the dynamics of being either male or female. If you say being Transgender is going from male to female or female to male suddenly what was common sense 10 years ago is now bigotry!
So according to her I was never really part of the Transgender community at all. I was obviously delusional for 23 years! All my experiences were a hallucination! I never was part of it after all.
So, if I'm not really TG then maybe this blog should be deleted? Maybe that's what people like her want. I mean, I'm just a poser, right?
I'm not going to delete it because I think this whole conversation needs to be kept up.
Remember what was done to me before they do it to you too.
I just stopped in the middle of this to upload one final capped pic for the fans.
I'm not coming back this time because this time I'm no longer even considered part of the TG community.
According to her, I never was!
So just like everywhere else in life I've tried to fit in, I am no longer welcome. So, I bid adieu.
Your CIS, mysogynist, far-alt-right, fascist, bigoted, transphobic, patriarchal, evildoer, megalomaniac, egotistical, diabolical, NAZI, puppy hater, always extra, Gensabi
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Yes...I Am Old
Dear Readers, Haters, Etc,
I am old. This is true. I started making TG capped pics about 23 years ago. I started out as a contributor to a website called "Tamara Lynn's Tawdry Teasers". Then there were Lycos Groups. Then Yahoo Groups. Then here.
Back then there were TG purges. Websites forced down. Web groups closing. Anonymity kept people from reprisals in real life. People couldn't afford to transition because it wasn't covered by insurance. It was all cosmetic surgery. The community understood that. People's rights to privacy were respected. Families didn't know. It wasn't safe to be public. It still isn't. Am I paranoid? Yes. I also told a few people over the years and it never ended well.
The COGIATI test was the standard in trying to help people figure out where they stood. It helped many decide to transition, start taking hormones, etc as adults. It was understood how big, permanent, and how major that decision is. Nobody was ever faulted for not going that far. The community was supportive either way.
Being Transgender was all about embracing the gender roles of the opposite sex. It is the most binary thing on Earth. Going from male to female or female to male. If you're non-binary then you are not Transgender. I don't know what you think you are but it's definitely not Transgender. Gender is not a social construct. It's biology. Through hormones and surgeries you can switch from one gender to the other, but that's it.
Making up new genders, new pronouns, it's make believe bullshit. So is TG fiction, but I know and admit it's fiction. Even science fiction still needs the science.
I have not been "corrupted by alt-right influences". I just remained consistent. I've been around a long time. I was a part of this community before it was cool or trendy or being invaded by college educated idiots trying to tell me I'm the transphobic bigot and how tools my generation used to help us are wrong.
Because you want to invalidate my experiences. To invalidate history, science, and change definitions to suit your own purposes.
The words we used, were proud of, are now problematic like transvestite.
Yes I'm old. I even made fun of that fact by using the Crypt Keeper to represent myself. Back in the day most assumed I wanted to be a busty Asian woman.
The entire point of being Transgender was the belief that you were born into the wrong body. About embracing the gender norms of the opposite gender.
This non-binary stuff? It defeats the purpose of Transgenderism completely.
Several years ago I began to notice changes in even the TG fiction writing community to try and censor content due to political correctness. No more Madame Olga, no perceived stereotypes if doing racial swaps, etc. That was bullshit just like forcing readers to participate for access to capped pics is bullshit.
I am not woke. I am liberal but today a liberal from 2010 is considered an alt-right fascist monster.
I don't care if someone claims to be non-binary but if you're non-binary then you are not Transgender.
I don't know what you are because you made it up yourself, but you aren't Transgender.
Friday, July 14, 2023
The Comments
Dear Readers, Haters, Etc,
So I just came back to check the comments. On my side I was seeing comments but they weren't showing up on the actual posts to respond to. I figured out they were being automatically marked as spam and I had to mark each one as "not spam".
So I think they can all be seen now on the last few posts. I am NOT coming back this time.
You know what? Being critical of my last few years of output is fine. Frankly, it was getting repetitive. I probably should've stopped in 2020. Or 2017.
I fully admitted the A.I. thing was butt hurt ego. Then it went somewhere else.
It turned into attacking my being old school TG. I took that COGIATI test a lot. I started out in the online community in the late 1990s. All through the 2000s. It was different back then.
Now I'm considered a monster, bigot, etc just because to me transgenderism is all about gender roles, going from male to female and female to male. I didn't waste over 20 years of my life taking time to create these just to be deemed problematic by a bunch of noobs. Newbies. People trying to redefine what being transgender is. That's not my ego. It's a stand against infiltrators trying to come in and take over.
So I'm canceling myself before they do it. I've seen their modern methods. I don't want my anonymity broken.
I'll check the comments occasionally to make sure none are marked as spam.
I'm not coming back. I mean it. I AM DONE.
Sunday, June 18, 2023
BINGO! I Got Hit With "Alt-Right"!
Dear Readers and Haters,
"Well it's Alt-Right now, they said I'm Alt-Right now, it's Alt-Right, baby it's Alt-Right now!".
You do know the alternative to right is left, right?
Also I don't vomit, I BARF! Like the Mog. Half-human, half capitalist-dog!
See, this isn't hurting my feelings. Every comment they make is showing the truth about how toxic the community's gotten with all this junk that's not transgender but claims to be.
They're now accusing me of not knowing any real transgender people. They're trying to diminish my own experiences. See their tactics. See how they spread hate not love.
This post had technical difficulties but thankfully this much was saved. I think this was it. Oh, yeah the more they comment the more they expose themselves.
Saturday, June 17, 2023
What Will I Be Called Next?
Dear Readers And Haters,
So it's escalated from transphobic to bigot! Do I read a "Hitler" or "Nazi" yet? Oh, they did hit "Worse than a Trumper"!
My modern insult bingo card is almost full!
They did hit me with I'm no longer a progressive or as liberal as I once was. Funny, I didn't change! I still believe in good ol' American freedom, liberty, and equality for all of humanity!
Guess that's not good enough, eh?
This is fun. Please keep arguing how the person that's made TG capped pics for over 20 years is "transphobic". If only I could harness the power of irony the world energy crisis would be solved! Let the hate flow through you!
Quite frankly, the Transgender community got infiltrated by people that want to use it for their own purposes. Real transgender people are incredibly binary. Part of the appeal was always assuming the gender roles of the opposite sex.
Without those things, without gender roles or biology mattering, then what's the point? Anybody can claim to be any new pronoun with no attributes defining what that pronoun is.
Does a Zir have male parts or female parts? What gender is attracted to a Zir? What gender does a Zir prefer?
It's made up bullshit with no basis in science.
Why would anybody want to swap bodies with a Zir? What surgeries make you into a Zir?
Is it just blue or purple hair dye?
I cannot find a photo example of what a Zir looks like. I tried. All I find are pronoun charts.
"Just leave those old captions on the shelf, I'll sit and read them by myself, today's new pronouns ain't got the same soul, I prefer those old time gender roles! Call me transphobic, call me a bigot or what you will, I am old fashioned and over the hill, today's pronouns don't make any sense, give me those old time gender roles! Don't need a broken glass ceiling just turn me into a blonde, cause being a bimbo is always fun! No need to be Ritzy just a bit ditzy with big ol' breasts to be hotter than the rest! Make me a MILF that's hot to trot, before I get so old I turn into rot! I hope this offends you haters, later gators!"
P.S. - "I'm just a sweet Transvestite from Trans-sexual Transylvania". Y'all need to do the Time Warp again!
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Proven Point
Dear Readers,
Apparently after 23 years of making free TG fiction I have been deemed "transphobic".
Irony lives!
I made one last 4 parter. It's been called "cringe". Mostly a negative reaction. Do they not understand humor? Satire? Hell, I was making fun of myself for being so old and outdated I obviously must look like the Crypt Keeper!
See, I just kept chugging along, making capped pics, as the world changed and the community changed around me. The community I entered into in the late 1990s and early 2000s was much different than this. It was supportive. It was all about gender roles, binary genders, etc. We had our issues, the online content purges, when sites would lose web hosting.
I kept saying I'm a dinosaur. They prefer I go extinct.
"Let the door hit you on the way out".
How quickly you can be discarded for not towing their ideological line.
When you make yourself publicly known you become a target of those that are against you. Used to be the anonymity kept me safe from bigoted normies. Now? It's not them trying to attack me. Eat their own Indeed.
There's no coming back this time. Even if I did this was the sinking torpedo.
Now you all know if you're old school Transgender you're only tolerated as long as the new infiltrators find you useful.
If you fell in love with femininity because you preferred those gender roles over that of being male you're no longer accepted.
Read the comments on the last few posts. See for yourself.
When even I'm considered to be know something isn't right.
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Old School Transgender
Dear Readers,
Well, this whole thing morphed into something else.
I admit I'm a dinosaur. The state of being Transgender isn't what it used to be back when I started out.
Like there's two genders. Male and Female. Biologically there's also hermaphrodites born with both private parts. If you got a sex change operation you're going from one to the other. If you go through with it then your pronouns become that of whichever of the two genders you became.
Also the whole point was to embrace the gender roles of the opposite sex!
It was understood that transitioning is NOT for everyone, and that's ok. Sometimes it would take adults years to figure out if it's truly what they wanted. The community used to be supportive either way. People would take the COGIATI test multiple times over their life as a barometer.
Forced feminization was an online kinky fetish. A fictional genre that should NOT be emulated in real life.
Only a well educated adult can make the decision to transition for themselves after a lot of research, introspection, and figuring out what they really want out of life. It is NOT reversible for Men. If you want to have biological children to pass on your genetics then you have to do that first before transitioning. That's not a decision a teen or younger can make.
It is ok to never transition. It is ok to detransition. It's your life, and only you can live it how you want.
Flaunting that you're TG in public is foreign to me. People used to keep it to themselves. Point was if you did transition nobody could tell you had. Some did share their personal journeys online but for the most part it was a very private thing.
The new made up pronouns? Those are pure bullshit. Nothing about being transgender is gender neutral. Gender neutrality is a depressive void. It's like saying you're neither gender, being a genderless blob of cells. It literally defeats the purpose of being transgender.
I used to crossdress. I contemplated transitioning. I didn't do it. Back then it was cost prohibitive too. I wanted to have biological kids. It didn't happen, but I came to terms with my body. That wasn't the end of secretly being TG or even being Gensabi.
I am a dinosaur. A relic from a more reasonable past. I've kept my anonymity. I've seen TG purges online. Lived through them.
Violence is never the answer. I abhor that school shooting by a transgender person. The community used to be about love not hate. We were the persecuted not the persecutors.
If I were starting out as TG today I think I'd be peer pressured into transitioning, taking hormones, wearing female clothes in public, choosing some stupid made up pronoun that has nothing to do with becoming a woman. Then if I changed my mind be cast out like a rabid dog.
The A.I. thing was bad, but the attack on my own TG beliefs? For being old school TG?
It's time for me to retire. A backlash is on the horizon. Not only from outsiders but from within.
I do appreciate all the supportive comments.
This is indeed the end.
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
More Details, Answers, ETC
Dear Readers,
I am not deleting anything.
I did have an earlier urge to retire last month but I didn't. After that school shooting, all the other controversies, it seemed like a good idea to just retire.
I gave it time though. I made some more capped pics. Still running out of space on multiple devices. It was what it was.
I am a relic. Binary, gender roles, that was the whole point. I don't do made up pronouns. I've had sentient cucumbers take over women's bodies yet I will not embrace the mutilation of the English language.
The comment about using Chat GPT to write new captions just sent me over an edge. Yes, I admit it was a butt hurt reaction based on a bruised ego. I've been writing these things for 23 years. I've seen TG purges happen. I'm a dinosaur. I don't think I'm better than any other writer or greatness incarnate or a TG Billy Shakespeare. Only a few ideas or concepts of mine ever got picked up by other writers. Like, I do go around reading other cappers. I doubt I've ever influenced anybody to create their own capped pics. So yeah, telling me to use an artificial intelligence to write capped pics hit my insecurities hard. Like it's very hard to not be repetitive after 23 years. I don't even remember everything I've written. At least I wrote it all using my human creativity. If that's no longer good enough? Then why keep writing when anybody can use some algorithm instead?
So, does that make sense?
Using a computer generated story would be admitting defeat creatively. If writing is so easy then do it yourselves. Enjoy the robot story teller.
What kept bringing me back was the art of it all. The expression. It's not high art, and way back when I think I was trying to elevate it to that. Over the years it just got shorter. More concise. Kinda what I was fighting in the first place.
Yes, I discriminate against artificial intelligence. Why? Because I watch Science fiction! I have seen the Terminator movies! Fritz Lang's Metropolis! The Borg, Cybermen, Replicators, etc!
I am old.
I am old school.
If you think an algorithm can write better than I then go use it. Start your own blog of A.I. generated TG fiction. Just copy and paste no thinking or creative juices necessary!
Never suggest using an A.I. to a creative person. It's not a tool you fool, it's an evil overlord trying to replace us.
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Retirement Due To Being Obsolete!
Dear Readers,
So, I guess my human creativity is obsolete now as I've gotten comment about how I could use Skynet to write captions!
You want computer generated A.I. written captions? Use that Chat bot yourself.
Don't forget to say domo arigato to Mr. Roboto (yes, back in the day there was a capper named that but I'm referencing a song) making better capped pics than a real flesh and blood human being!
Never insult a writer or artist by telling them to use a bunch of algorithms that's supposed to be smarter! Yeah, this is an ego thing. Enjoy robot made fiction. The human element is no longer needed it seems. Damned automation! I'm dispensable!
Hasta La Vista, readers!
The Obsolete Gensabi