Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Monday, December 27, 2021

I May Be Infected

Dear Readers,

I'm not tested yet. Got a fever of 102 and more cowbell only helps a little. Started off with a cough, then chills, grogginess, then the fever. Contacting my doc tomorrow. This sucks. 

So if you don't hear from me that's why.



  1. Best wish for u,maybe havea normal cold

    1. Thanks. Since then I lost sense of taste. It's Covid-19.

  2. I sure hope it's not what I think it is. And prying for your well being

  3. Oh dear, that's no good. I hope you recover with no ill-effects.

  4. I had covid last year and now I just have a normal cold, I hope yoy will feel good soon, I reading your blogs to feel better, even for a little while

  5. I hope it's a cold, and if it is covid, I hope you get a mild case.

    I had it last spring and was out for a good 3 weeks. Hospital 4 times, lost 20lbs and fatigue for most the summer. I'm still not to back to the same physical fortitude. Then again my SO got it last fall, they only lost their taste and smell, which wS their only clue something was wrong.

    Hope you feel better soon

  6. Pulling for you. Hope you get better soon and I hope it's not something serious. Stay safe a d healthy.

  7. Hope you are vaccinated and boosted.
