Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Archives Frequency, New Ones, Gensabiverse

Dear Readers,

Alright, I've been uploading some of my archives working through the teachers first. Still got about 19 more of those to post.

I'm only posting more as the ones I already posted hit 100 views or more each. The last 4 or so on this front page right now are in the 80s and 90s respectively.

I have some brand new capped pics done too. Might make more before I transfer them over to upload. I'm thinking of designating a day just for new ones. I know I suck at a schedule. I'm thinking Wednesdays. It's hump day after all! Not tonight though. I really need to get through these drafts of teachers. 

I have added a new label called "Gensabiverse". It's going to link a lot of my stuff together. Already made a map of it too. I need to label it more and explain how it works. Might need to add quadrant labels too. 

That's going to be a big thing once it's done. So I'm still working on things behind the scenes while I upload my older ones. 


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