Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Booty Trek

Dear Readers,

A lot of you liked the last butt suction capped pics two parter it seems.

So, if you read some comments recently I mentioned "Booty Trek".

I just came up with a good premise for it tonight and I have 23 parts done thus far!

There should be around 53 or 54 parts. Some bodies are two parts themselves. 

Why such a large number? 

There's 52 weeks in a year. This series follows you the reader as you get butt sucked into a new body every week. You live as one woman for 7 days until you're farted out and have to go into another.

I'm going to leave it open ended. Body # 52 is not the final body, if there can be a final body. I'm just doing year one.

So, would you prefer I upload what I have done now or wait and make it all one big long post?

It might take awhile tonight to get it all sorted out. I only have 21 bodies of 52 done and I don't know an order for these next bodies.

There's a little bit of everything in here. Racial changes, age changes, family changes, strangers, and so on.

I hope it's going to be one wild ride to read.


1 comment:

  1. Ok, sorry but I did change it. I'm a big sap. The curse could always happen again to somebody else. I made it to number 30 in capped pics, body number 26.
