Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Dear Readers,

You may have noticed the last update was big.

I definitely have more pics to cap, maybe a series or two to do when I feel in the mood, but otherwise?

I'm kinda tapped out on ideas, or at least on what to do with the pics I have.

I've felt a bit sluggish lately too. Probably just the weather.

So, I don't know when I'll have more done.

The inspiration is running low right now.



  1. Teacher or swap abaut a little boy and his neighbor or a stranger sorry for my english i'm from latin america

    1. It's ok, glad to have you as a reader! You must have such great weather right now. I have a couple teacher ones in the works.

  2. Maybe a series about a young geeky shapeshifter discovering his powers?

    1. Well, I have technically two series like that in development. That one about shedding skins but I can't decide a next body, and, the other one is just a body swapping power. The thing is, a series like that uses a lot of bodies. I had the Level Up planned out last year, but I find myself very indecisive right now.

  3. Another song mother swap?

    1. I could, but there's gotta be a good how it happened. Sometimes I feel like I'm just retreading over old capped pics. I did watch "Chappie" and it was a bit inspiring, but I've gone that route before.

  4. Well there is the costume gun scenario. A wish scenario. For example a boy who gets in trouble. Knows he's going to get yelled at. Makes a wish. Though the wish is misinterpreted.

    1. Thanks, but I've done wishes a lot before, though I might do that for one series I have forming. It started out as bodysuit but upon pic hunting today I think a better story is developing. I might wait until I have more pics of her though. I'm not sure. I try not to do other people's universes like costume gun. Still not 100% sure how those work anyways!
