Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Current Status

Dear Readers,

My health sucks. I've been sick the last couple weeks, not coughing as much now, but this past week I've been so weak that after work I tend to fall into daytime slumber.

Today was the first day I didn't have to take a nap just to feel alright in a week.

As for more new ones, I'm not sure when I'll have some done. I haven't done any new pic hunting and no new stories are really coming to mind.



  1. Feel better gensabi.
    Take it easy.

  2. I know you've probably thought of this, but just in case... could it be Lyme disease? I know someone who had it for years before he was properly diagnosed and treated. It's something that a lot of doctors aren't familiar with.

    1. I think most of my problems are due to the fact it took docs too long to get my appendix out last year. Ever since that I've been susceptible to stuff very easily. When I lost my job in January it was because I got bronchitis really bad, and was probably dehydrated by the end of that, but at my new job I was sitting between more people with bronchitis as well. I have a couple ongoing diseases as well that kinda complicates things when I get sick. I'm fighting to stay awake right now and it's not even 7 PM yet. Thanks though I will look into it.

  3. Your health is more important. Take care of yourself. Feel better.

  4. Sorry to hear that, ol friend. You get better!
