Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Updated "Breaking News"

Dear Readers,

You can find it by using label "Turtle Necks" probably the easiest, it was one of my early uploads from 2013 but in going over things I just saw it was a 4 parter, not a 3 parter like I originally posted. It has been updated!

Why the glitch? I uploaded those before I had the adult notice up, and the older ones I uploaded back then I sorta just skimmed through, copied and pasted to a new folder, and voila. Originally I saved them in folders by month I made them starting in 2012. Now I'm systematically uploading what's left out of each month I didn't upload before.


P.S. - I still need to add labels to a lot of the earlier uploads such as "Turtle Necks", "High Heels", and hair color.

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