Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Saturday, February 25, 2023
The Cutening!
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Half Right!
Friday, February 17, 2023
Access Again!
Dear Readers,
I had to update Microsoft Edge. It's a pain. Lost all my bookmarks. Had to log back in too. Nothing new today. Have to charge up the tablet from these shenanigans.
The End Again (Not My Choice)
Dear Readers,
I know. You're all expecting more of the last series. I took a few days. Gathered more new pics. I just got those new pics onto my tablet to caption. Then I tried getting on here from the Windows tablet. "Blogger does not support your current browser please update".
I can't update it. That's using Edge as the browser. This was a cheap Windows tablet with only 30 GB space. I don't have enough free space to do the updates. Like I only have 3 GB or less free space on it. I pretty much only use it for capping. I'm using my Kindle Fire to make this post right now. Which is tricky because they no longer really allow Silk either but I have a work around. Sometimes it doesn't work though so it's iffy. Like I can't even view stuff on Deviant Art anymore on my Kindle Fire but this is where my password was saved plus my links to where I frequented.
I can try again on the tablet but I did try a few times. I was having trouble with Gmail too. Maybe after a restart that won't happen? I don't know.
If I can't access Blogger from my tablet then I can't upload anything. New ones, old ones, etc. Text updates I can do from my Kindle Fire but even this thing is low on space.
Until the technical difficulties are resolved this is the end...again.