Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Thursday, May 27, 2021

The End

Dear Readers,

I'm done. I gave it time. So here's why.

01.) I don't have any desire to make new capped pics. I get a small urge to do it then can't decide on what pics to use. 

02.) Even with Pic hunting it feels pointless. Like repetition just saving more and more that I may never cap. I'm not even turned on by the pics either. It's just not the same.

03.) The TG scene is going in directions I can't follow. I'm a binary dinosaur. A relic from a time when men wanted to be women and vice versa. I don't care about pronouns and this fiction is mostly about going from him to her or her to him. With the occasional oddity mixed in. I'm a liberal getting called conservative because of my views on TG. Ironic, ain't it? How long before my caps offend someone? Heck, I know several years ago there was already a push against using gypsies, racial accents, and such in TG capped pics and stories. I don't like creative censorship for any reason.

04.) It's been 20 years. Starting to run out of ideas. My stuff isn't as fresh as it used to be.

05.) I don't think this is my anhedonia or depression. I just changed. Priorities changed.

06.) I might eventually be back. I do have a few cap ideas but they're not getting done. Maybe later on they will. No promises. 

I think that's it. 



  1. As a TG writer, I understand the whole getting attacked because you're not following the herd. The whole being attacked because of pronouns is a horrible action by those who are supposed to be open-minded. There's no place for attacks, unless someone is doing it on purpose going after someone for making a mistake in not knowing or forgetting that someone chooses "they/them" pronouns does nothing but shows how bad of a person the one taking offense is.

    Good luck on the recharge and hopefully it's not permanent. A rare posting is better than nothing, it sucks but it's better than completely closing the door completely.

    1. Pronouns didn't used to be a thing. Frankly, I don't think they matter much. Using "They/Them"? How many of you are there? It's plural. Unless you got a group of clones or duplicates with you the English language doesn't work that way!

      Usually the herd leaves me alone. I'm just tired of my TG views in general being regarded as conservative. Heck, now even things like gender preference or transvestite are frowned upon terms! Like they now see Rocky Horror as problematic!

      Getting told I don't respect non-binary people. Binary gender is at the very heart of being transgender. It's the basic concept of going from one gender to the other!

      It used to be fun. It used to be a non-mainstream thing. We were the weirdos, the strange ones, the peculiar, the outsiders.

      Now? Now every other person is claiming to be TG or some imaginary pronoun that's a mockery of being TG.

      Trying to change and control the language makes it harder to write for. Because nobody can understand it anymore.

      If I use they or them as intended as a plural now people might think it's in reference to one person.

      I blame the lack of funding for the public education system.

      They're obviously failing their English classes.

      I wrote mostly male to female TG. I can't write becoming a whatever new pronouns they made up.

      The whole point was to become the other gender and assume or learn their gender roles.

      They don't even believe in gender roles now!

      So I'm a binary dinosaur. A relic from a bygone era. The lone werewolf long abandoned by the pack.

      They destroyed the fantasy. What's so special about becoming another gender if gender doesn't exist?

    2. Also back in my day "gender fluid" was the transformation potion you drank!

  2. Good luck on your future endeavors my friend. If this is the end. How do you do that text bubble? Just curious.

    1. I use MS Paint to make capped pics. It's one of the shapes in there. I adjust the outline size to medium. That's for the word bubbles for dialogue. Thought bubbles are the same but I use the eraser tool to get rid of the inner edges. For the comics style text box I use a square and change the inner color to whatever I want, yellow usually works best. After I make the text space I use the text tool inside that space. With the text box being a square with the bubbles I usually have to hit enter after some words, use extra spaces to line it up right, it's a bit of work. MS Paint might not be fancy but for capping it gets the job done.

  3. Godspeed and thank you for many years of this lovely things, thank you very much

  4. Thank you for all that you have made and you will be missed

  5. Aw. Thanks for the years of entertainment.

  6. Good luck Gensabi, I've been lurking for nearly 10 of those years, only commenting occasionally. I hope you do well. If this is the end then it's been a fun run, thanks for all the stories. If you recharge and get a renewed interest, I look forward to more stories. Don't let haters keep you out. This is your corner of the internet, let them go back to theirs....thems...zheres... who gives a shit.

    Not that it is a better place or a fix, but I found some of the body swap communities on reddit to be helpful for more story driven experience rather than caption based ones. Besides everyone is an ass on the internet so maybe it's not your scene there but I thought I'd give the recommendation.

    Either way thanks for the stories, I do hope to hear more stories in the future but I do understand if you're done. I hope all endeavors, as well as your health goes well.

    Thanks for the stories.


    1. Thanks. I don't really like Reddit. I'm a capper. Full stories wouldn't get finish if I tried. As wordy as I am the pics help keep me focused. Except now the pics don't even keep me interested.

      When I started out I was more TG myself. Even crossdressing some. Eventually I accepted my body, but kept capping because it's an art form I enjoyed. Every time I thought I'd stop fans kinda pulled me back, and there was more stories to tell. More creativity to unleash.

      I really haven't been part of the capping community at large since the Rachel's Haven debacle. I stood up for the lurkers. I knew some didn't even speak English. I'm against gate keeping art. I put stuff out there to be read and enjoyed not kept behind a participation wall.

      Sure, comments are nice. They help. But even if you don't sell a single record does that mean you quit making music? Or hide your works until someone gives feedback?

      I remember seeing the Haven rules for caps on there. They were going woke even back then. Policing the genre, making staples like Madame Olga try to die off.

      I guess I feel like if I retire first then they can't try to cancel me.

  7. Ever thought about headswap captions?

    1. Too much work. Also, not appealing. Although they probably have an app for that now, don't they?

    2. I've done a few headswaps myself (quality might not be good) but if you want I could send you them and see if could come up with some captions, I would come up with the captions myself if I could think of any, but sadly I'm not creative like that

    3. Thanks but no thanks. I did a series of head swaps way back in 2002 or 2003. It's the Skinner Series. Nobody ever liked it. It took a lot of time and effort to just be a dud. Also although I have ideas for capped pics I don't feel like making more. I'm disinterested in women completely. It's like my sexuality just shut down.

      Anybody can be creative. Don't sell yourself short. There's plenty of tropes to use from magic to mad science, genies, curses, genetic powers, to whatever you want to happen.

      Here's a freebie. One recent idea I had was a new device called an Amiibo maker. Sold as a video game accessory to scan an object to make it a playable character in a video game yet upon scanning a real person it turns them into a real life amiibo skin for yourself to inhabit and control in reality.

      In a way it's similar to a series I did called "Level Up" but kinda using those Nintendo amiibo things instead. Inspiration can come from anywhere or anything.

      Even if it sounds stupid just write it. Go crazy. Be wild. Only rules are there's no rules.

  8. Thanks for all the caps. Really likee your captions!

    Just as a side note:

    >"They/Them"? How many of you are there? It's plural. Unless you got a group of clones or duplicates with you the English language doesn't work that way!

    They/them has been used as a singular pronoun for like 200 years.

    First time in 1813. Its not a new thing.

    1. Well, you're welcome but my DeLorean is broken so I can't confirm that 1813 date. When I learned English in the 20th Century it was a plural form only.

  9. Instead of writing the caps why not do it in real life

  10. thanks for many years of providing entertaining captions.
