Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Dear Readers,

It's been awhile.

Old habits die hard. In other words, old habits are Bruce Willis on Christmas Day. 

I have indeed made some more capped pics. Not uploading them yet if I even do.

I've been dealing with health issues all along. Right now I'm at risk of stroke due to high blood pressure.

Not good.

It's been busy too. Heck, maybe too busy and that's why I'm in this bloody pressure point now.

This year hasn't been as stressful as last, but the effects are catching up to me physically. 

Right now I'm still around. Waiting until March to see what happens.



  1. Take care of your self glad to hear that you are doing better so far this year.

  2. so nice to hear you are still with us. You need to take care of you first. only you will know when the right time is to post your new stuff. I for one love all your work and have been following you since yahoogroups. Thank you again for the up date

  3. Take care of yourself first. I. Glad this year has been less stressful, I hope you get a chance to physically gain strength as well as mentally. I hope to see you come back soon, so thank you for the update and I hope you feel well soon

    1. Thanks. Finally discovered the blood pressure thing is a dental thing. Right now the pain makes me hate all humanity. Can't see a dentist until Monday.

  4. Take care of yourself my friend. You come first.
