Dear Readers,
Feel free to keep commenting on that last post, because I didn't expect all the comments that I did get!
I decided to do the new featured post early. "Fair Is Fair" went from 29 views up to 322 views! Quite a jump!
This one for January I meant to do back in October. "Just Checking" is a wife swap with only 25 views right now.
This fits one or two of the comments on the last post too. Hosiery, wife swap, and a bit different than the rut I tend to get into.
I got upset earlier while working on pic hunting of sorts. I have everything on the external hard drive now though. Need to get downloads done though. Two days behind on fresh links too I think.
Maybe later tonight I'll feel more up to that.
Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
What Do You Want In 2017?
Dear Readers,
What do you want to see more of?
What would you like to see changed?
What's love got to do, got to do with it?
Comment and let me know.
I have been sleeping a lot fighting an ailment but I have been making great headway in pic hunting. In fact I've been keeping up and getting through months of backlogged links like crazy.
I have had some ideas but I probably should have jotted them down. I think the inspiration will return though when I finally go back through all these pics I have saved.
Also, I do not trust 2016 so if you don't hear from me next year I might be dead. No contingency plan for that.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Returning January 9th, 2017
Dear Readers,
Last night I fell ill once more. Fungal infection. Had a headache all day and staying on track with my temperature. Have to medicate as well.
I haven't felt like doing much all day.
Right now I can download as many sets of pics as I want, even do simultaneous downloads two at a time. Now I can save them from my tablet to my external hard drive easily so space is no longer an issue.
That is until January 8th.
So I am going to keep up with that and not be captioning until next year. Already my headache is coming back and I can take more IB Profen.
I wish all my readers happy holidays!
Until next year!
I will keep an eye out for comments and will still respond. Just right now capping feels a bit much.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Friday, December 9, 2016
Update Hiatus
Dear Readers,
Ok, here's what's happening.
I splurged and am paying for downloads now. That's $15 for a month. It makes it easier to download from my favorite pic hunting grounds. I can even do it on my tablet with multiple downloads at one time!
Then there's the space issue.
By about Wednesday that will be solved. I'm getting a USB Hub and it's power adapter so I can hook up my external hard drive to the tablet. That means I will have access to all my data and easily be able to transfer my downloads onto it.
So now I'm almost broke again, but oh well.
Right now I have a strategy. I am saving links of which sets I want, and have not even gone through the tons I downloaded today yet.
When I get my order I can start saving the pics externally and free up more space for making new capped pics.
I also hate autocomplete on my tablet.
I might do more new ones but if I don't this is why.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Updates, Requests, And Progress
Dear Readers,
As you've noticed there's been an uptick in new capped pics. That's thanks to the new Windows 10 tablet.
I am still adapting to it though. It's not easy. Cropping or extending is hard because I have to keep my finger down on the little dot until the dotted line appears that I can move and change.
Capping boxes and bubbles are easy to manipulate their size. Text boxes not so much. I finally figured I have to use my finger going from the bottom right to top left to get one just right. Otherwise it's a hassle.
I was able to do some new pic hunting but now it's not so good. I haven't been able to download a complete set onto the tablet in days. See, now Rapidgator doesn't show the download button and is a waste. The others, well they keep getting interrupted or take so long the tablet shuts off or the WiFi gets funky.
The new tablet is a WiFi hog. When it's on no other devices can use WiFi. So if I have pics on my phone or Kindle I want to email to myself and download to the gets funky.
I have not forgotten about them. I have saved the pics to my laptop though and space was an issue with my tablet. I finally have the micro SD card in and can add or download more onto the tablet.
As for the watch series, I have found pics of Amy Schumer. They were ones I had to email myself to get onto the tablet.
I need to find a good watch to use though and I will need to edit it via GIMP on my laptop.
Not sure I want to put that on the tablet because it's already crashed once due to memory I think.
My new tablet only has 1 GB memory. Simple capping is fine, but it crashed just moving multiple folders to a different one. I had to move each folder one at a time to get that done once I got it back up.
Also, thought bubbles may get scarce. The eraser tool is fickle for touch screen and I don't have as much exact control as I did using a mouse.
And I really prefer the digital keyboard on my Kindle to the tablet. On the tablet it doesn't automatically uppercase letters at the beginning of sentences and occasionally the uppercase button zooms out to show all screens. It's as annoying as hell. Especially since a wrong tap anywhere could make the text box permanent and I'd have to start over again.
In other words, despite being a convenience it's also a pain in the butt.
I am cycling through old pics to cap with some newer ones mixed in. "Hotness" was from a set I was able to download. "Take A Hike" was new and emailed from one device to the tablet.
The others were older pics from as far back as 2014 that still haven't been capped yet.
So that's where I'm at.
Things may get busy here soon so I don't know if I can keep up the current pace.
As you've noticed there's been an uptick in new capped pics. That's thanks to the new Windows 10 tablet.
I am still adapting to it though. It's not easy. Cropping or extending is hard because I have to keep my finger down on the little dot until the dotted line appears that I can move and change.
Capping boxes and bubbles are easy to manipulate their size. Text boxes not so much. I finally figured I have to use my finger going from the bottom right to top left to get one just right. Otherwise it's a hassle.
I was able to do some new pic hunting but now it's not so good. I haven't been able to download a complete set onto the tablet in days. See, now Rapidgator doesn't show the download button and is a waste. The others, well they keep getting interrupted or take so long the tablet shuts off or the WiFi gets funky.
The new tablet is a WiFi hog. When it's on no other devices can use WiFi. So if I have pics on my phone or Kindle I want to email to myself and download to the gets funky.
I have not forgotten about them. I have saved the pics to my laptop though and space was an issue with my tablet. I finally have the micro SD card in and can add or download more onto the tablet.
As for the watch series, I have found pics of Amy Schumer. They were ones I had to email myself to get onto the tablet.
I need to find a good watch to use though and I will need to edit it via GIMP on my laptop.
Not sure I want to put that on the tablet because it's already crashed once due to memory I think.
My new tablet only has 1 GB memory. Simple capping is fine, but it crashed just moving multiple folders to a different one. I had to move each folder one at a time to get that done once I got it back up.
Also, thought bubbles may get scarce. The eraser tool is fickle for touch screen and I don't have as much exact control as I did using a mouse.
And I really prefer the digital keyboard on my Kindle to the tablet. On the tablet it doesn't automatically uppercase letters at the beginning of sentences and occasionally the uppercase button zooms out to show all screens. It's as annoying as hell. Especially since a wrong tap anywhere could make the text box permanent and I'd have to start over again.
In other words, despite being a convenience it's also a pain in the butt.
I am cycling through old pics to cap with some newer ones mixed in. "Hotness" was from a set I was able to download. "Take A Hike" was new and emailed from one device to the tablet.
The others were older pics from as far back as 2014 that still haven't been capped yet.
So that's where I'm at.
Things may get busy here soon so I don't know if I can keep up the current pace.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Clearly Fun!
Enchanted Item,
High Heels,
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Friday, December 2, 2016
Working Well!
High Heels,
Turtle Necks,
December Featured Post!
Dear Readers,
I had a little hiatus due to this new tablet seems to override everything else on my WiFi and I had extensive cloud downloads to do. I am behind on pic hunting too.
Last month "Lost Memory, Not Lust" went from only 25 views to 319! This month I'm featuring "Fair Is Fair" which only has 29 views thus far.
I have one new one done and am about to upload it and answer a couple comments.
Friday, November 25, 2016
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Belted Out No More!
Enchanted Item,
Turtle Necks
New Way To Cap!
Dear Readers,
I am going to upload the last two I did on my laptop. I now have a Windows 10 tablet that's going to take time getting used to but I'm confident about using paint.
The keyboard not so much.
Also this has less space on it so I'm working with pics I already had singled out for capping.
Not sure about pic hunting on this yet.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Election Shocked
Dear Readers,
Due to the outcome of the election and much political unrest in my country I do not know when I'll be able to get my mind out of this depressive worrisome rut and caption again.
Due to the outcome of the election and much political unrest in my country I do not know when I'll be able to get my mind out of this depressive worrisome rut and caption again.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
November Featured Post! Over 2000 Posts!
Dear Readers,
This is post number 2003!
Last month's featured post "Inner Truth Revealed" went from 18 views to 345!
This month we have "Lost Memory, Not Lust!" As the featured post! It already went from 25 to 30 views, but we can get more than that!
I have not done the requests yet. They are stirring in my mind.
I don't know when I'll be doing more. Tomorrow will be busy. I need to get back in the mood too.
This is post number 2003!
Last month's featured post "Inner Truth Revealed" went from 18 views to 345!
This month we have "Lost Memory, Not Lust!" As the featured post! It already went from 25 to 30 views, but we can get more than that!
I have not done the requests yet. They are stirring in my mind.
I don't know when I'll be doing more. Tomorrow will be busy. I need to get back in the mood too.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Monday, October 31, 2016
Customizable Costumes Are Costly!
High Heels,
Mad Science,
No More Requests And Spam
Dear Readers,
I will do the requests on the last post eventually. I am not taking anymore though.
I just saved those pics for them, and I was in the mood to cap but now I have a headache.
That headache was from trying to get rid of over 130 spam comments left by MK.
Unlike Yahoo Groups I am not able to remove and ban this poster.
Spam pisses me off. And I was already pissed off about my TV last night.
So, I don't know if I'm going to feel up to capping. Maybe eating will get rid of the headache, I don't know.
I will do the requests on the last post eventually. I am not taking anymore though.
I just saved those pics for them, and I was in the mood to cap but now I have a headache.
That headache was from trying to get rid of over 130 spam comments left by MK.
Unlike Yahoo Groups I am not able to remove and ban this poster.
Spam pisses me off. And I was already pissed off about my TV last night.
So, I don't know if I'm going to feel up to capping. Maybe eating will get rid of the headache, I don't know.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Sick Again, Requests, And Political Caps
Dear Readers,
First off I am sick and will not be capping for a bit. Spent all day in bed and still feel groggy after cough drops, orange juice, and chicken noodle soup.
Pic hunting has gotten harder. It's down to only two download sites from three, and the one they took away let me download once every half hour like it's back to three hours between downloads and twice last night my laptop restarted itself during downloads.
As for requests if you have one please leave it as a comment so I can see it. My email got hacked and I cannot log into it.
Earlier this year people wanted more political capped pics but the last one I did kinda got should I lay off those because this election is so...emotional?
I don't expect to do anymore capped pics until next month. Probably when I'm feeling better.
First off I am sick and will not be capping for a bit. Spent all day in bed and still feel groggy after cough drops, orange juice, and chicken noodle soup.
Pic hunting has gotten harder. It's down to only two download sites from three, and the one they took away let me download once every half hour like it's back to three hours between downloads and twice last night my laptop restarted itself during downloads.
As for requests if you have one please leave it as a comment so I can see it. My email got hacked and I cannot log into it.
Earlier this year people wanted more political capped pics but the last one I did kinda got should I lay off those because this election is so...emotional?
I don't expect to do anymore capped pics until next month. Probably when I'm feeling better.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Friday, October 21, 2016
Laptop Down
Dear Readers,
Well, when it rains it pours.
Today there wasn't any thunder or lightning though so I got on the laptop.
Before I shut it down for good it automatically restarted itself 4 times!
It did it before I could even put my password in. Once was while pics downloading. The next time was in mid-CD burning. Then it did it yet again.
So I don't know when I'll be able to do new ones.
Tomorrow I will try my laptop again. I'll need to rip a CD and then back up my data.
I'm probably going to need a new laptop. That sucks. I have no money pretty much.
Well, when it rains it pours.
Today there wasn't any thunder or lightning though so I got on the laptop.
Before I shut it down for good it automatically restarted itself 4 times!
It did it before I could even put my password in. Once was while pics downloading. The next time was in mid-CD burning. Then it did it yet again.
So I don't know when I'll be able to do new ones.
Tomorrow I will try my laptop again. I'll need to rip a CD and then back up my data.
I'm probably going to need a new laptop. That sucks. I have no money pretty much.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Spam And Update
Dear Readers,
Life has been hectic.
I just discovered the spam commenter and deleted those comments.
I would like to do some capping but the weather is too bad to have my laptop on and I hit a snag in pic hunting the other day.
Every day has been busy. But I think things are slowing down.
Hopefully by the end of the weekend I'll have something up.
Life has been hectic.
I just discovered the spam commenter and deleted those comments.
I would like to do some capping but the weather is too bad to have my laptop on and I hit a snag in pic hunting the other day.
Every day has been busy. But I think things are slowing down.
Hopefully by the end of the weekend I'll have something up.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
New Featured Post!
Dear Readers,
"Inner Truth Revealed" is this month's new featured post!
Now it only has 18 views on here but back in my Yahoo Group days I remember this one was quite popular!
As for new ones I think I'm getting a bit sick. Weather change getting to me.
I've done some cleaning today too, and I'm too tired to do anything else tonight. Might even get some rest.
"Inner Truth Revealed" is this month's new featured post!
Now it only has 18 views on here but back in my Yahoo Group days I remember this one was quite popular!
As for new ones I think I'm getting a bit sick. Weather change getting to me.
I've done some cleaning today too, and I'm too tired to do anything else tonight. Might even get some rest.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Current Status
Dear Readers,
I will update the Featured Post as soon as I find my notepad with the list of posts for that.
I am not sure when new ones will be coming.
Currently I have had two family emergencies in the past two weeks. One relative is facing neurological damage while another has cancer.
Plus I have been busy with other pursuits all of last month culminating in this weekend.
I'm even behind on pic hunting a bit.
If possible I might do some this coming week. I do have doctor appointments coming up too.
I will update the Featured Post as soon as I find my notepad with the list of posts for that.
I am not sure when new ones will be coming.
Currently I have had two family emergencies in the past two weeks. One relative is facing neurological damage while another has cancer.
Plus I have been busy with other pursuits all of last month culminating in this weekend.
I'm even behind on pic hunting a bit.
If possible I might do some this coming week. I do have doctor appointments coming up too.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Captain Kitten VS Brain Drain!
Body Swap,
High Heels,
Turtle Necks
4 New Ones For Now
Dear Readers,
I got these 4 done a few days ago and was hoping to have more done before uploading, but today my laptop has been restarting itself a lot. I doubt more will be done soon.
I've also been very busy, and trying to get my health in order.
I got these 4 done a few days ago and was hoping to have more done before uploading, but today my laptop has been restarting itself a lot. I doubt more will be done soon.
I've also been very busy, and trying to get my health in order.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Brains For Beauty!
Body Swap,
Mad Science,
Wrongly Returned
Only 1 New One For Now!
Dear Readers,
I was only able to do one new one today. Not sure if I'll be able to do more later or not.
An old wound reared it's ugly ligaments this morning incapacitating me for the day.
I have been getting caught up on pic hunting so I have plenty of new ones and old ones to cap.
I was only able to do one new one today. Not sure if I'll be able to do more later or not.
An old wound reared it's ugly ligaments this morning incapacitating me for the day.
I have been getting caught up on pic hunting so I have plenty of new ones and old ones to cap.
Sunday, September 4, 2016
New Featured Post For September!
Dear Readers,
The Featured Post function is a success! "Better As Betty" went from only 16 views to 370 views! The month before that "Greener Grass" went from only 16 views up to 514 views!
So this month is "Great Buy" which currently only has 18 views. I can't wait to see how many more views it can get!
You see back when I was uploading a lot of older ones I think it was more cumbersome for readers to go through huge uploads of 40 and up posts. I'm using the Featured Post function to highlight ones with insanely low views to give them more exposure. So far it's been working!
As for new ones, I don't know when I'll be doing more. I've been very busy and I'm trying to get my health back on track per doctor's orders.
Exercise sucks.
I'm too tired to do anything today, but maybe throughout the week I will do more. I just need to recuperate right now. This week won't be as busy though.
The Featured Post function is a success! "Better As Betty" went from only 16 views to 370 views! The month before that "Greener Grass" went from only 16 views up to 514 views!
So this month is "Great Buy" which currently only has 18 views. I can't wait to see how many more views it can get!
You see back when I was uploading a lot of older ones I think it was more cumbersome for readers to go through huge uploads of 40 and up posts. I'm using the Featured Post function to highlight ones with insanely low views to give them more exposure. So far it's been working!
As for new ones, I don't know when I'll be doing more. I've been very busy and I'm trying to get my health back on track per doctor's orders.
Exercise sucks.
I'm too tired to do anything today, but maybe throughout the week I will do more. I just need to recuperate right now. This week won't be as busy though.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Saturday, August 27, 2016
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