Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Beauty Got Manners!

Birthday Enchanted Fully Granted!

Powder Kegs For Great Legs!


All Funked Up!

Doubly Fooled

From Thug To Smug!

Updates & Blogger Decision

Dear Readers,

Well, I just read about the Blogger decision Google made, and honestly I was unaware of it until I read a comment on here mentioning it!

I have two new ones done, and will be uploading them. I may do more tonight, but it may be heavy on a couple models.

I'm sick yet again, and have rested most of today. Need to be able to work on Monday, but I could barely talk this morning.

Also, pic hunting has been going slower but last night I hit the jackpot!


Sunday, March 8, 2015


Dear Readers,

I know updates have been few and far between recently. frankly, my mind has been distracted and going off in multiple trajectories simultaneously, or at least trying to do so.

I might do some capping today. Did some more pic hunting and might do more.

There's been a series or two I've been meaning to write, but it's hard to do a multiple body series like "Level Up" because you have to decide who's what and so on.
