Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Wednesday, December 31, 2014
HAPPY NEW YEAR! 20 New Ones Up Thus Far!
Dear Readers,
Happy New Year!
I've done 20 new capped pics in the last 48 hours. I don't know if I'll be doing more or not.
Today is the last day for new mom/son capped pics until May 2015 per my New Year's Resolution.
In January I want to focus on getting the rest of my older capped pics on here.
Happy New Year!
I've done 20 new capped pics in the last 48 hours. I don't know if I'll be doing more or not.
Today is the last day for new mom/son capped pics until May 2015 per my New Year's Resolution.
In January I want to focus on getting the rest of my older capped pics on here.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Jumbled Parts 1 And 2
Body Swap,
High Heels,
Mad Science,
The Swap Cough Parts 1 - 2
Body Swap,
High Heels,
Turtle Necks
To One Of The Requesters
Dear Readers,
Before getting evilly ill, literally yesterday I was spitting up blood and having nosebleeds, I got this anonymous request for a capped pic wanting:
"Hello, I was wondering if you could do a request about a rich man who asks his neighbors if their five year old son could come over and do some chores and make some money. However once the boy gets there, there are no chores to do as the man magically turns the boy into his 45 year old trophy wife as reality is altered and the boy believes he's always been this woman."
Now, I was about to cap this today with the pic the requester sent, but I found myself in a conundrum. The way I was going to cap it doesn't really fit the criteria, and the more I thought about it, I realized I couldn't do a capped pic in this vein better than one SP2000 did! I'm not copping out, but I also don't want to plagiarize either. This capped pic brilliantly pulls off the concept that was requested, and this is the capped pic that floods my mind trying to fulfill the request. Here it is:
Maybe whoever put in the request has already read it? Maybe they wanted my take on it. I don't know. That SP2000 capped pic is nearly dead on the money and it's pure gold.
My request is that you take a look at it, read it, and if you like it leave SP2000 a comment or two, give the capper some recognition.
I can still try to do the request with the pic you requested, but it's gonna take some figuring to meet all the criteria. What's got me stumped is the not remembering the truth part, and SP2000 did that aspect beautifully I think.
As for the Bimbo Apocalypse request, I need to find a good bimbo pic.
Before getting evilly ill, literally yesterday I was spitting up blood and having nosebleeds, I got this anonymous request for a capped pic wanting:
"Hello, I was wondering if you could do a request about a rich man who asks his neighbors if their five year old son could come over and do some chores and make some money. However once the boy gets there, there are no chores to do as the man magically turns the boy into his 45 year old trophy wife as reality is altered and the boy believes he's always been this woman."
Now, I was about to cap this today with the pic the requester sent, but I found myself in a conundrum. The way I was going to cap it doesn't really fit the criteria, and the more I thought about it, I realized I couldn't do a capped pic in this vein better than one SP2000 did! I'm not copping out, but I also don't want to plagiarize either. This capped pic brilliantly pulls off the concept that was requested, and this is the capped pic that floods my mind trying to fulfill the request. Here it is:
Maybe whoever put in the request has already read it? Maybe they wanted my take on it. I don't know. That SP2000 capped pic is nearly dead on the money and it's pure gold.
My request is that you take a look at it, read it, and if you like it leave SP2000 a comment or two, give the capper some recognition.
I can still try to do the request with the pic you requested, but it's gonna take some figuring to meet all the criteria. What's got me stumped is the not remembering the truth part, and SP2000 did that aspect beautifully I think.
As for the Bimbo Apocalypse request, I need to find a good bimbo pic.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Officially No Longer Taking Requests
Dear Readers,
First off I will try to do the ones I have received, and I know stopping requests sounds drastic, but I have a very good reason.
What's the reason?
I almost died last night. Seriously, 2014 is killing me!
While sleeping I started to cough and gag, and I started to vomit when I realized I couldn't breathe because my nose was clogged up. If I hadn't realized what was happening and blew my nose so I could breathe, well, I wouldn't be able to type this right now...well, it'd be a lot harder at least if I were a ghost!
Problem is, if I bite the dust, kick the bucket, etcetera, then my dear readers there'd be no way for you to know and I'd just vanish. No requests uploaded. No finishing of uploading my archives, poof! I'd just be gone.
So, I'm taking off the contact form.
I'm also adding links to my Yahoo Groups because that's where everything is except for newest stuff on here.
First off I will try to do the ones I have received, and I know stopping requests sounds drastic, but I have a very good reason.
What's the reason?
I almost died last night. Seriously, 2014 is killing me!
While sleeping I started to cough and gag, and I started to vomit when I realized I couldn't breathe because my nose was clogged up. If I hadn't realized what was happening and blew my nose so I could breathe, well, I wouldn't be able to type this right now...well, it'd be a lot harder at least if I were a ghost!
Problem is, if I bite the dust, kick the bucket, etcetera, then my dear readers there'd be no way for you to know and I'd just vanish. No requests uploaded. No finishing of uploading my archives, poof! I'd just be gone.
So, I'm taking off the contact form.
I'm also adding links to my Yahoo Groups because that's where everything is except for newest stuff on here.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Dear Readers,
I am unfortunately sick again. I was sick all weekend, and between all the symptoms it's hard for me to concentrate or even sleep continuously.
I have about 6 requests at the moment and I haven't worked on any yet.
I would suggest not sending any more until I can catch up once I'm better.
I do hope you all have happy holidays!
I am unfortunately sick again. I was sick all weekend, and between all the symptoms it's hard for me to concentrate or even sleep continuously.
I have about 6 requests at the moment and I haven't worked on any yet.
I would suggest not sending any more until I can catch up once I'm better.
I do hope you all have happy holidays!
Friday, December 19, 2014
Request Guidelines
Dear Readers,
Yes, I do take requests. So here's the details.
How do I make a request?
1.) Post it as a comment!
2.) Use the contact form on the left! The contact form sends your request as an email to me.
3.) If you have specific pics you want me to cap for you but may not want it posted directly, like say, swapping with somebody you know in reality, email me with the attachments to and I'll get it. I'm also on Yahoo Messenger.
Content Restrictions
1.) No satanic stuff.
2.) No male parts as part of the pics.
3.) I do NOT do other people's universes. No Great Shift, Medallion Of Zulo, Madame Olga, Spells R' Us, Bikini Beach, Reversal Rings, and so on.
4.) I won't caption any hardcore pics. No male parts showing or bodily fluids showing. Nudity I can do, and sex pics only if the junk is inside to hide.
Helpful Tips
1.) If you make a request give me time to work on it. If you start blowing up the email or comments I may not honor the request. I offer this voluntarily until it becomes a problem.
2.) If you want to be a celebrity, either email me the pics or understand that it's going to take longer because I'll have to do a pic hunt.
3.) If you don't have a model in mind or send me any pics then I need a physical description of what kind of body you want. If I capped a body you like please let me know the name of the capped pic so I can find it and recognize who you want.
4.) I need to know what names you want me to use and I will notate that it's a request, if posted on the blog. If you don't want it on the blog I'll need your email address.
I hope this helps. I'm adding a label for requests too, so you can check it for yours.
Yes, I do take requests. So here's the details.
How do I make a request?
1.) Post it as a comment!
2.) Use the contact form on the left! The contact form sends your request as an email to me.
3.) If you have specific pics you want me to cap for you but may not want it posted directly, like say, swapping with somebody you know in reality, email me with the attachments to and I'll get it. I'm also on Yahoo Messenger.
Content Restrictions
1.) No satanic stuff.
2.) No male parts as part of the pics.
3.) I do NOT do other people's universes. No Great Shift, Medallion Of Zulo, Madame Olga, Spells R' Us, Bikini Beach, Reversal Rings, and so on.
4.) I won't caption any hardcore pics. No male parts showing or bodily fluids showing. Nudity I can do, and sex pics only if the junk is inside to hide.
Helpful Tips
1.) If you make a request give me time to work on it. If you start blowing up the email or comments I may not honor the request. I offer this voluntarily until it becomes a problem.
2.) If you want to be a celebrity, either email me the pics or understand that it's going to take longer because I'll have to do a pic hunt.
3.) If you don't have a model in mind or send me any pics then I need a physical description of what kind of body you want. If I capped a body you like please let me know the name of the capped pic so I can find it and recognize who you want.
4.) I need to know what names you want me to use and I will notate that it's a request, if posted on the blog. If you don't want it on the blog I'll need your email address.
I hope this helps. I'm adding a label for requests too, so you can check it for yours.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
New Banner!
Dear Readers,
Unfortunately, the uploading of the rest 2012 will have to wait.
Also, can't upload a zip file on here.
The reason the upload has to wait is because it's now almost 11 PM, and I just got the banner done...I started around 5 PM I think, maybe 4 PM.
Why did it take so long?
Over the many years I've been Gensabi I haven't kept the same computer. Data is mixed between Data CDs, Data DVDs, and a few portable hard drives. And not everything was saved off my last laptop, and I used to bad at saving my bitmaps.
So, first I went looking for the pic of the logo I created a few years back at the behest of my Group Moderator that wanted an easier more visual way to tell my capped pics apart from other cappers. So I made the "G" insignia.
Then I wanted to add in the nicely outfitted Asian lady with the ray gun who was part of my last group pic and banner once Yahoo Groups went funky. I couldn't find any bitmap of her, or her original pic, and so I started using GIMP to take away the background color in the group pic, and then started the touch ups in MS Paint. That got me frustrated and took me to Google to see if I could find her pic again because Data DVDs and the Flash Drive were no good. I didn't find the same pic I had, but I found more of her.
Then I had to find M.O.R.O.K. again, and the Voluptucon creator, and then I needed the bugs from "Bugs For Thugs".
I couldn't find the bugs, not even on Google, and I only found the bitmap where I added them into the pic before the caption. Back to GIMP, and voila.
Then I added the goatee happy face from my original group pic!
Oh, and I finally had to reinstall my old font collection too.
I need to upload Aunts 2004 to 2009, and the rest of 2012. My goal is to get this done by Monday.
As for making the banner? Well, I've put it off for a long time. I always wanted the castle iconography hence the name of the blog and the Yahoo Group! It's just good castles are hard to find, and this design turned out perfect!
Unfortunately, the uploading of the rest 2012 will have to wait.
Also, can't upload a zip file on here.
The reason the upload has to wait is because it's now almost 11 PM, and I just got the banner done...I started around 5 PM I think, maybe 4 PM.
Why did it take so long?
Over the many years I've been Gensabi I haven't kept the same computer. Data is mixed between Data CDs, Data DVDs, and a few portable hard drives. And not everything was saved off my last laptop, and I used to bad at saving my bitmaps.
So, first I went looking for the pic of the logo I created a few years back at the behest of my Group Moderator that wanted an easier more visual way to tell my capped pics apart from other cappers. So I made the "G" insignia.
Then I wanted to add in the nicely outfitted Asian lady with the ray gun who was part of my last group pic and banner once Yahoo Groups went funky. I couldn't find any bitmap of her, or her original pic, and so I started using GIMP to take away the background color in the group pic, and then started the touch ups in MS Paint. That got me frustrated and took me to Google to see if I could find her pic again because Data DVDs and the Flash Drive were no good. I didn't find the same pic I had, but I found more of her.
Then I had to find M.O.R.O.K. again, and the Voluptucon creator, and then I needed the bugs from "Bugs For Thugs".
I couldn't find the bugs, not even on Google, and I only found the bitmap where I added them into the pic before the caption. Back to GIMP, and voila.
Then I added the goatee happy face from my original group pic!
Oh, and I finally had to reinstall my old font collection too.
I need to upload Aunts 2004 to 2009, and the rest of 2012. My goal is to get this done by Monday.
As for making the banner? Well, I've put it off for a long time. I always wanted the castle iconography hence the name of the blog and the Yahoo Group! It's just good castles are hard to find, and this design turned out perfect!
Uploading Rest Of 2012!
Dear Readers,
I honestly thought I already did this, but maybe that was 2013.
I'm not sure how much will get uploaded. Around the 40th post in a day Google thinks I'm a robot and starts very annoying captchas.
I hate captchas. Distorting the alphabet is a crime against grammar.
Before I start posting those though, I'm gonna try something. I was thinking of uploading the rest of the aunts from 2001 to 2009, but here's a thought.
I made a zipped folder of the whole shebang, and I'm going to see if I can upload that for you the readers to download.
I might look into that.
I honestly thought I already did this, but maybe that was 2013.
I'm not sure how much will get uploaded. Around the 40th post in a day Google thinks I'm a robot and starts very annoying captchas.
I hate captchas. Distorting the alphabet is a crime against grammar.
Before I start posting those though, I'm gonna try something. I was thinking of uploading the rest of the aunts from 2001 to 2009, but here's a thought.
I made a zipped folder of the whole shebang, and I'm going to see if I can upload that for you the readers to download.
I might look into that.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Monday, December 15, 2014
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Any Thoughts Or Suggestions? Clarification Too.
Dear Readers,
First a clarification, the "no mom/son" capped pics thing starts in January 2015. My goal is to diversify, and get all the older caps uploaded, and then in the month of May, the month of Mother's Day, start the slew of mom themed capped pics.
Also, I have begun to work on the request I received. For the requester, it may take some time. The pic hunting phase is over (I think), but every way I've thought to cap it kinda went against your instructions, so I had to switch celebrities and thus a new plot is currently stewing in my mind. Also, I believe there's a whole blog called Celebswap that kinda specializes in that genre, so you may want to direct requests there for quicker results.
I don't mind the celebrity swapping thing mind you, I've sorta done it before, but long ago, and doing the request does help improve my variety efforts, but I don't usually pic hunt celebrities so I don't have any archived and so it takes longer than usual.
Now, does anybody want more "Level Up"? I had two more players set up, and I had more to cap for Player 1 expanding on being the principal and his mom.
Also, I see a lot of readers liked "Like Mother, Like Son", that series was actually a request from a reader that sent me the pics by e-mail ( The names were changed so I could post it to the group, but that's how and why it got made.
If you use the contact form on here it'll send your request to that e-mail address. If you need or have pics already send them as an attachment to that e-mail address saying what you want.
Now, I've got one new one done I'm going to upload. I just noticed my 2012 tagging is a bit lagging, but I think that's because I didn't tag them all. I want to finish that today.
First a clarification, the "no mom/son" capped pics thing starts in January 2015. My goal is to diversify, and get all the older caps uploaded, and then in the month of May, the month of Mother's Day, start the slew of mom themed capped pics.
Also, I have begun to work on the request I received. For the requester, it may take some time. The pic hunting phase is over (I think), but every way I've thought to cap it kinda went against your instructions, so I had to switch celebrities and thus a new plot is currently stewing in my mind. Also, I believe there's a whole blog called Celebswap that kinda specializes in that genre, so you may want to direct requests there for quicker results.
I don't mind the celebrity swapping thing mind you, I've sorta done it before, but long ago, and doing the request does help improve my variety efforts, but I don't usually pic hunt celebrities so I don't have any archived and so it takes longer than usual.
Now, does anybody want more "Level Up"? I had two more players set up, and I had more to cap for Player 1 expanding on being the principal and his mom.
Also, I see a lot of readers liked "Like Mother, Like Son", that series was actually a request from a reader that sent me the pics by e-mail ( The names were changed so I could post it to the group, but that's how and why it got made.
If you use the contact form on here it'll send your request to that e-mail address. If you need or have pics already send them as an attachment to that e-mail address saying what you want.
Now, I've got one new one done I'm going to upload. I just noticed my 2012 tagging is a bit lagging, but I think that's because I didn't tag them all. I want to finish that today.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Like Mother, Like Son Parts 1 - 10
Body Swap,
High Heels,
Mad Science,
New Year's Resolutions & Update
Dear Readers,
First if you'd please look at the column to your left there is now a links section to some other TG Blogs. Also there's now a contact form so you can write stuff and contact me!
I'd highly recommend "Secret Switch Captions" due to recently doing high quality capped pics, he does a lot of series, and the only bad thing is the earlier pics have copyright markings due to being stock photos, so it takes away from the pics a bit when the markings overlap the whole picture. Good solid writing and formatting though.
Yes, I know it's too early for New Year's Resolutions, but I need to make these now!
1.) To have all my older capped pics uploaded by the end of January 2015.
2.) No mother/son capped pics to be uploaded until May 2015. This is a measure to try and regain variety. I get stuck in that mode sometimes, and variety is needed.
3.) To actually follow resolutions number 1 and 2.
Also, I hope everybody out there has some happy holidays!
First if you'd please look at the column to your left there is now a links section to some other TG Blogs. Also there's now a contact form so you can write stuff and contact me!
I'd highly recommend "Secret Switch Captions" due to recently doing high quality capped pics, he does a lot of series, and the only bad thing is the earlier pics have copyright markings due to being stock photos, so it takes away from the pics a bit when the markings overlap the whole picture. Good solid writing and formatting though.
Yes, I know it's too early for New Year's Resolutions, but I need to make these now!
1.) To have all my older capped pics uploaded by the end of January 2015.
2.) No mother/son capped pics to be uploaded until May 2015. This is a measure to try and regain variety. I get stuck in that mode sometimes, and variety is needed.
3.) To actually follow resolutions number 1 and 2.
Also, I hope everybody out there has some happy holidays!
Friday, December 5, 2014
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